थाई महिलाएँ - क्या आपकी GF आपको धोखा दे रही है?

So after shifting though a number of ‘amazing Thai ladies’ you have finally found the girl of your dreams. A beautiful Thai girl who has it all and you’re ready to take things to the next step.

But wait!

के अनुसार Durex, Thai ladies are the second most unfaithful women in the world, with 59% of Thai ladies stating they have cheated on their other half before. So how do you know if your beautiful Thai girl is part of the minority or majority?

थाई महिलायें, थाई महिलाएँ - क्या आपकी GF आपको धोखा दे रही है?

To find your own girlfriend in Thailand check out this article on how you can do exactly that.

In this article I will list a number of traits common in Thai ladies who cheat on their farang boyfriends. If I have missed any out, please leave a comment below and I will add it to this article.

update: A lot of white knights got mad on social media (as usual), so I do want to point that most of your girlfriends are wonderful gals and it’s only a small percentage who may be cheating on you. Cheating is common all over the world and not just an isolated incident in Thailand, and is done by both men and women.

Is everyone happy now? Why does everyone take what I write so seriously?

1. Does she party a lot?

If your amazing Thai lady loves to go out to places like आरसीए every week, that’s usually a red flag. Thai ladies are not like girls back home who love to get drunk and dance, the culture is different and many of them dont have the salary to live that kind of lifestyle.

If she’s going out on a regular basis there’s a good chance she is looking for the D from someone else. Be super scared if she loves going to Bangkok after hours clubs.


एक टिप्पणी जोड़ने

आपका ईमेल पता प्रकाशित नहीं किया जाएगा. आवश्यक फ़ील्ड चिह्नित हैं *