डॉन मुआंग हवाई अड्डे पर वीज़ा आव्रजन मुद्दे

I don’t normally do boring visa blog posts but with all the issues around Thai visas और immigration I thought I would give everyone a heads up.

I recently came back from a holiday (will talk about that more next week), I was there for a total of 6 days. When I flew back to Thailand I had a few issues at the airport, nothing major but thought I would let everyone know so they can prepare.

The current condition of my passport

On my last trip to England I got myself a new passport.

At this moment in time it only has one triple-entry Thai visa and nothing else. My first exit was to Hanoi for 4 days and my second exit was for 6 days.

When I arrived at Don Muang just the other day I was planning on using my final entry.

I have no other visas or Thai visa exemptions on my passport.

Questioning at Don Muang immigration

I’ve flew into Thailand at least 10 times and have never come across any questioning before. My flight landed in the evening and the queue at immigration was short. Perhaps the lack of people waiting made the immigration offers more focused to spot visa runners, I don’t know.

I also took 3mg of Xanax just before the flight so I was a bit groggy, I may have stood out and was why they questioned me, but I’ve taken Xanax for several other flights before and never been questioned. Although the queue has always been very long and standing around for an hour gives me plenty of time to sober up.

Anyway when I got to the counter, I handed over my passport and the immigration officer went over it throughly.

He must have pressed a button or signaled someone to come over because after 20 seconds another officer came and asked me to follow him to a separate area. Not a private room, just a table with chairs.


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