वियतनामी महिलाओं का दिल जीतने के 5 तरीके

Let’s face it, upon arrival in Vietnam, other than the small slices of the Saigon and Hanoi, the majority of the Vietnamese women are frustratingly conservative and will not put a one-night with anyone.

वियतनामी महिलाएं, वियतनामी महिलाओं का दिल जीतने के 5 तरीके

I say “frustratingly” because even though there are droves of sexy वियतनामी लड़कियाँ who will be grasping for your attention upon arrival. What gives?

Here are 5 ways to immediately grab the hearts of Vietnamese women so that you can find one to fuck your brains out in the shortest time possible:

To find out how to get laid without paying, check out this article on Vietnam cupid.

1. Insert Yourself in Their Photoshoots

How this works is you find a group of Vietnamese women taking photos of each other, or even in pairs, and sneak up behind them and make a funny face as they snap the photo.

Works *every* time and gets them laughing and feeling flattered that they were the “chosen ones” for the foreigner to tease (out of the groups of girls at the venue). There are likely already several Vietnamese women in the area that would straight up ask to take a picture with you.Using this method is only slightly more ballsy.

वियतनामी महिलाएं, वियतनामी महिलाओं का दिल जीतने के 5 तरीके

Then look at the picture to see how it turned out. Tell them to take a picture with your camera since yours is “clearly better” (even if it’s blatantly not), then showing them your old pictures of USA or wherever… and keep the ball rolling until you get the Facebook or number. Never will you experience cock blocking this way.

2. Ask Vietnamese Women Dumb Touristy Questions

Acting dumber than you are in general works wonders with local Vietnamese women, who are more than eager to tell you about life in Vietnam.


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