Чему научили меня 5 лет ведения секс-блога

Yes this is one of them what I’ve learned running this website style posts, but without the phaggy gay shit.

I realized the other day that it has been almost 5 years since I’ve started what I think a is a comprehensive resource for anyone moving to Bangkok, while others see it as a sexpat blog peppered with racist, homophobic and sexist comments, which is also true.

Here’s what I’ve learned during my time blogging.

I don’t know what normal is anymore

Each morning when I switch on my phone, these are the types of messages I receive:

, What 5 Years of Sex Blogging Has Taught Me

And this:

, What 5 Years of Sex Blogging Has Taught Me

At 10 am I’ve not even made my gym gains for the day when I am exposed to the above.

Imagine if your friend banged someone in a porn movie, how insane would that be?

Better yet, if you thought you had sex with a ladyboy in Bangkok, would you post it in a group chat at 5:30 am, well that’s what my friends do.


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