Q&A mit einem Pokerspieler in Thailand

This interview was done with a online poker player in Thailand, who wishes to remain anonymous. I hope you all enjoy it and get a idea for what life for a poker player in Thailand is like. Anything written in red is by me.

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Können Sie mir ein wenig über sich selbst erzählen?

I’m 25 from Sydney, Australia. I’ve been a full time poker player for around the last 5 years. I started from a very young age. I first got into poker when I was 15, I seen a TV show called “Late night poker“, I think it was one of the first televised poker shows from the UK. I thought it was amazing, so much fun that these high rollers were playing cards and travelling the world. It was weird when I was young I never worked to work a 9-5 job to me it seemed stupid. I used to read books on real estate and stock markets etc. But after watching this TV series I knew what I wanted to do, play poker!

I used to grind play chip tables on ultimate bet and read every poker book I could get my hands on. When I was 18 the first thing I did was get a debit card so I could deposit money.

Grind: means to play poker online.

I used to play limit holdem, well started out doing this because I read Phil Hellmuths book “Play poker like the pros”. I remember depositing $200 as that was the minimum buy in for $5-10 no limit. I ran it up to like $2000 and thought this was easy. I withdraw and left $200 to play thinking I could just run it up again. Obviously I ended up putting it back on and losing it over time as most do when they start. Anyways I went threw a cycle of wining a micro tournament then losing it at cash games etc.

About 2 years later I made the 2nd day of a pub special tournament with $5000 up top. The only problem was i was rostered on for work… So I did the obvious thing and went in on that day before going to the tournament and told them I quit. #YOLO. I ended up coming 2nd for around $2500 and this is where my poker career started.

I discovered a few poker forums and started grinding micro stakes and taking everything seriously. I don’t know what it was that made me a wining player but just something clicked and I’m still here today.

Pokerspieler in Thailand, Q&A mit einem Pokerspieler in Thailand

How long have you been a poker player in Thailand?

In 2013 I spent 5 months in Thailand. I had never lived abroad before or been to Thailand. I was a little scared and worried before going, but I had been following a few Thailand thread on various poker sites and reading the amazing stories and banter going on and I new this was the lifestyle I wanted. So I grew some balls and booked my flights and went in January to Phuket, Thailand. My turn to be a poker player in Thailand!!!!


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