Lebenshaltungskosten in Bangkok 2017
How much does it cost to live in Bangkok in 2017?
For the entire month of January I have jotted down every baht I spent and I’ve documented it all below.
In the month of January I spent 42,252? (excluding visa and health insurance costs).
Here is the breakdown below of my living costs in Thong Lo, Bangkok.
Please note that my lifestyle in Bangkok is very chilled. I focus on exercise, work, socializing and eating well. The following breakdown is not of a partygoer or someone who is going out 2-3 per week drinking.
You can also read an older article where I lived in Bangkok on $770 month in 2016.
Rent – 24,200?
My biggest cost is rent.
I pay 24,200? per month after bills for a 1-bed room apartment in Thong Lo.
- Rent – 22,00?
- Electric and water – 1,400?
- True Wifi – 800?
The condo has a pool, amazing view and a small gym. I am walking distance to my Fitnessstudio, massages, several western supermarkets, clubs, bars and public transport.
The same condo in On Nut or further out would cost you 15,000?.
I’m spending 50k Baht ‘ish a month. Living near Suk Soi 22. My shopping eating quite similar to yours.(I drink quite a lot, but am reducing my intake for both health and cost reasons).
I am not a gym person, but many days I walk 6 or 7 km, most days about 4km, so no costs there (in fact some savings on taxis etc).
Just had 2 years living in a condo that I owned, a luxury because it’s the first time in my life that I’ve not paid rent (I hate paying rent!!). I pay 15k Baht a month for rent, but the landlord charges 7 Baht per unit for electric & 500 for water, total rip-off I know. However, I’m moving to Hua Hin in March for the same deal at 8,500 Baht a month, all-up.
I’ve been unemployed (oil industry) for 2 years now. I am currently studying online for a Diploma, exams in the UK in July.
I’m a longterm expat, here since ’98. I also holidayed here 3 times in ’85 & ’86.
I am 52 now, will give it till next year on the jobs front, then think about heading back to the UK, I would still have some money behind me.
I still love living in Thailand, but don’t get the same “buzz” out of it that I used to when younger, (every night!!).
The 500b for water, was the hotel called House By the Pond by chance? Hua Hin is nice and very cheap, I like Bangkok too much to leave though, maybe in 3-4 years.
Can I ask why you moved out of your own condo to rent? If you sold, why?
I ask because I sometimes consider buying a condo in Bangkok.
Hallo Harvie,
How often do you do visa runs? Is it necessary to do it every month (30 days) or? This seems quite a big cost if you do it often.
Every 90 days on a tourist visa or you can pay $14,000 for a 5 year visa.
Got it thanks.
Btw, for visa run you must exit country, or you can do it at border?
It’s getting harder to do a border hop now, before it was easy not any more.
jesus thats cheap
I pay 50k ish a month living pretty much in monk mode… and my rent is half of yours
though this weekend a friend was in town and I ended up blowin 6k baht on booze and hookers *dont judge me*
This budget is only realistic if you spend your time inside on your computer,dont drink, and dont get hookers. I spend about 150-200k a month averaged over the past 4 years. This covers some fun nights out in nana/cowboy, soapys, and some bottles at clubs. I dont go out every night maybe 10 nights a month.
I have a 20k a month condo near nana. I eat good food. No transport costs either outside of when i want a good soapy. I do pay transport for my freebies i pull from the internet. I mix regular girls with my hookers to save cash. I wish I could afford to go out more but i just cant. I also save on condoms as i refuse to use them with any girls.
I managed to last 10 weeks from 19/09/2016 to 29/11/2016 before running out of cash again! I should really take note of Harvies expenditures or my friends in BKK. I managed to blow around £5000 or 250,000 baht in 10 weeks, not sure on what really, blow (yes), getting blown (yes), hookers (yes), alcohol (yes). I even sold my website for $4000, this is included in £5000 spent, I did buy a new phone and a pair of Converse, so not completely wasted 555
Next time I’ll be more sensible, first of all, need to generate income from 3 new websites and rank them on the first page of Google. Winter in the UK is an excellent way of getting things done 555
why are indians such cheapskates?
Ask Thai girls, they will know.