Apartamentos baratos en Bangkok - M N Place

It is often hard to find listings for cheap apartments in Bangkok, so I figure it would about time I reviewed a place I stayed at. The place I am reviewing today is called M N Place, to view the website, pulse aquí. Studio prices start at 5,000 baht upwards and one bedrooms start at 9,000 baht and up. They offer both month to month contracts and a discount of 500 baht a month if you stay longer than 6.

This place is near the bottom of the scale for cheap apartments in Bangkok, anything less and you would most likely be living in a mess, unless you wanted to live in the sticks. The room I rented out was a top floor corner room for 6,500baht, appox 40- 44 sq meters with aircon and balcony. (Below)

Cheap Aparments in bangkok, Cheap Aparments in Bangkok – M N Place

Here is my sex dungeon, I tried to jazz it up with the yellow, but in hide sight I found out having red/brown covers would be better. As it would hide the blood/scat marks I would usually put on from my extra curriculum activities.

30sq meter studio

Cheap Aparments in bangkok, Cheap Aparments in Bangkok – M N Place

The location of the apartment is BangChak, around a 2 minute drive from BTS BangChak. The apartment also boasts a swimming pool, which can at times be very dirty if it has just rained.

Cheap Aparments in bangkok, Cheap Aparments in Bangkok – M N Place


Internet – 500baht per month (LAN only)

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