La petite amie des vacances
Not many people like to go on holiday alone because it can be quite boring and lonely.
We all know that feel of sitting on your hotel bed bored not knowing what to do because there’s nobody with you.
Then comes that overwhelming feeling of loneliness which you try to ignore by going on Facebook or you spend hours on dating apps trying to meet someone, and you wasting the entire day.
You never feel like going out as much alone.
Why? Because sharing an experience with someone else be it a girl or friend is 100% better than sharing it alone.
We’ve all had that talk with friends asking them to visit country X for 2 weeks but they cannot cannot because they don’t have money or they are so fucking useless they cannot commit to a holiday.c
In most cases you’ll end up not going because nothing gets sorted.
But I say fuck your friends because you don’t need them, you can go on holiday alone anywhere in the world and have the best time ever with a holiday girlfriend.
What is this holiday girlfriend you speak of?
The holiday girlfriend is the term I coined for a guy travelling to a new country alone with the sole intention of finding a girlfriend for about 2 weeks.
They usually have about a $1,000 for the entire trip with airfare, and one big dream in their heart.
Hi Dude.
Where is the best places to meet hot and beautiful Thai girls or western girls? Is it ok to approach them when they are with their friends or family?
I know some guys who dated Thai girls but those Thai girls were not hot enough.
Defiantly don’t approach girls when they are with their family, why the hell would you do that? Best places to meet hot girls is outside in real life.
Tnx bro. Sometimes you approached a girl and one of her families appear.
Most of places in Bangkok seem to be too messy. Like some places in khason road,sukhumvit. I think shopping centers in siam area could be peaceful areas to approach girls.
What’s your opinion? Where are the best places to approach girls in Bangkok during the day and night while not seeing lots of hookers ? Or which places should we avoid to visit like soi cowboy and …?
Anywhere where people congregate. So that’s malls, parks, markets. Just leave your hotel and start walking and walking. People like to go to malls which might be the best, but you don’t really get to see anything new or exciting.
If you want to avoid hookers then don’t go to nightlife venues like Koh San Road.
I’m not fan of online dating. That doesn’t work well in lots of countries like Japan. That might reduce your confidence level.
I prefer approaching in person.
Yes it does not work so well in places like Japan, but if you only have a set amount of time then it will be your best option.
Lol. Oh you make it so easy for us to see the loser in you all…
How about a blog for us old farts the over 60 guys? Been to Thailand many times when I worked in Saudi Arabia in the 80’s. But now that the years have piled up, I remember when I thought when I saw older guys with the young Thai girls and I don’t want to be one of those. There has to be somewhere that I could find women in the 40+ range?
Hey Ted, sure thing. Let me see if I can come up with anything good in the next few weeks for it.
Ted, take a look at online dating sites and just set your preferences to your preferred age range. In the US online dating is a crap shoot, lots of flakes and crazies and getting results can be hard work. Not so in SE Asia.
How about writing something fresh and entertaining again Harvie?
This seems like a recycled and slightly edited version of several articles you wrote before.
And it’s not as if you’re offering any secrets as to be successful in this cold approach method. Many Thai girls have it bad enough already with farangs leering and making passes at them in the same places you’re suggesting.
It also makes you appear like you’ve been a huge success in this methid and are passing these tips to a bunch of losers, ie. Your readers.
If you have any topic suggestions feel free to suggest them.
How about an article about “How Thai Girks Are Very Superstitious and Afraid of Ghosts.” ?
lol, I have a few lined up, just need to finish them up and post them.
Hi i just arranged a holiday with a girl on tf. Good english , funny and said yes after a few days of line messaging. I just realised i haven t discussed any logistics with her. So the done thing would be for me to pay all expenses right? And sex or not is depending on how it develops… i am just not sure how explicit or not to be about everything here culturally!? Would you suggest to duscuss clearly who pays what and sex and all before or is it i pay all and the rest depends !? Thanks Harvey 🙂
Hi Ben,
if it’s organic I would not talk about it and just cover all expenses. It’s really hard to say without more context. My advice would be if she is not a hooker then to keep things light and friendly. You should both assume that you’re covering everything unless stated, and if the girl is a hooker or bar girl, then yes you may want to talk about sex and money but angle it in a nice way.
Zhe s definitely not a hooker.. so i pay all and…? The slightly weird thing is we never met but would sleep in the same bed…. still no strings attached right!? ☺
It’s never no strings attached, you may want to let her know how long you intend to stay and when you will leave. And then deal with the sadness on the last day.
Might be a really dumb question but i havent done holiday gf like this before…As we haven t met yet in real what if she s not that keen on sex. After all we didn t do this explicitly…. or is it just the risk you take in this sort of arrangements?
It’s the risk you take. Why not just meet her for a few days and see if there’s a connection, if not then part ways. It will become clear within a few days where it’s heading. There is always risk with the holiday girlfriend, so do have a plan B for your trip if it doesn’t work out.
Cool advise thanks..problem with taking a few days is that then you can not book flights or hotels in advance right? And she s taken time off work. Or is it easy to book domestic stuff spontaneously in thailand?
Yes you can easily book flights in Thailand days before, in fact you can book a flight 6 hours before departure.