La petite amie des vacances

Not many people like to go on holiday alone because it can be quite boring and lonely.

We all know that feel of sitting on your hotel bed bored not knowing what to do because there’s nobody with you.

Then comes that overwhelming feeling of loneliness which you try to ignore by going on Facebook or you spend hours on dating apps trying to meet someone, and you wasting the entire day.

You never feel like going out as much alone.

Why? Because sharing an experience with someone else be it a girl or friend is 100% better than sharing it alone.

We’ve all had that talk with friends asking them to visit country X for 2 weeks but they cannot cannot because they don’t have money or they are so fucking useless they cannot commit to a holiday.c

In most cases you’ll end up not going because nothing gets sorted.

But I say fuck your friends because you don’t need them, you can go on holiday alone anywhere in the world and have the best time ever with a holiday girlfriend.

What is this holiday girlfriend you speak of?

The holiday girlfriend is the term I coined for a guy travelling to a new country alone with the sole intention of finding a girlfriend for about 2 weeks.

They usually have about a $1,000 for the entire trip with airfare, and one big dream in their heart.


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