Le guide des amendes de bar en Asie
Confused about barfines in Thailand or the Philipines? In this article I reveal all.
If you want to meet hot girls for free in Thailand, consultez cet article..
As we talk about these bar girls, you might wonder with how much would it costs you to visit these bars and going out with their bar girls for either a short time or long time sex.
Barfines in Thailand
Thailand is indeed one of the best countries in Asia to spend the holiday where you will be able to see all their tourist attractions from their temples, museums, parks, and they even have their beautiful beaches which everyone loves to spend a very sunny day but aside from these, what are other reasons why tourists love to visit the exquisite country of Thailand?
The country is actually not just a place for adventure finder but also for those tourists and foreigners who have been looking for pretty and attractive Asian girls. When you go over Thailand, you can already find a lot of bars which do offers bar girls for a very reasonable price.
As Thailand has been a home for prostitution this past few years, you can already find a lot of new ways bars do just to attract many clients specially foreigners to come over their place and earn big money from selling their bar girls for money. The money you pay them after you will take one of their girls is actually called as bar fines.
Bar fines differ from one place to another just like with Bangkok being the cheapest price range for their bar fines while Phuket has the highest one and Pattaya is just fair enough with a price range not too expensive and yet not too cheap as well but speaking of these three cities, what are really their price range for their bar fines?
Barfines in Bangkok – As Bangkok being the capital city of Thailand, a number of us thought that they gives a higher price range for their bar fines but as we have checked on the Gogo bars in Bangkok, it seems that they have the cheapest prices in Thailand. For only 600 up to 1000 baht you can already have the bar girl you wanted and take her to your place.
Barfines in Pattaya – In Pattaya, they have an average price for their bar fines with 700 to 1500baht but their bar girls aren’t just average girls rather, they are also attractive and good looking which are all pretty normal when you are in Thailand.
Barfines in Phuket– tWhile Phuket has the most expensive one with 800 up to 2600baht for a short time price, there are still a lot of client going to Phuket for their girls. Phuket is definitely the highest one among the three but they also have great bar girls thus everything seems to be worth it when getting a bar girl in Phuket.
Other fees in the bar – Aside from these bar fines, you may also be able to pay some beer after you have ordered one while watching those pretty ladies dancing in front of the stage well, beers in these three cities in Thailand actually have the same price range for 500 to 600baht.