थाईलैंड में अच्छी थाई लड़कियों से कैसे मिलें
My blog has many different niche groups.
You have the forever aloners who have never spoken to a girl, but want to move to Thailand.
You have the young digital nomads who are saying NO to the Matrix and trying to figure things out in the War Zone.
You have successfully Bangkok expats who read my site but won’t admit it to anyone.
You have the Indians who message me every other day asking where they can get a weekend थाई वेश्या for 322?.
You have a group of older guys (30+) who are tired of being the bachelor, or are divorced/broken up and are looking to find a good Thai Girlfriend.
This article is for them!
But the rest of you can tag along for the ride.
In this article, I’ve jotted down my thoughts on various places you can visit to meet the Thai girl who you want to spend the rest of your life with.
Nightclubs are perfect if you’re not ready to settle down and just want short relationships or flings.
Have in Sri Lanka Thai girl because I’m Sri Lanka
Wow. This is legit advice. My question is what do local guys think if they saw you firlting with their women? In Mongolia, Mongol girls of OFF LIMITS says the hyper jealous mongol dudes who not only want to beat YOU up but beat up the GIRL!
Do thai guys, or even thai society have that mentailty when farang date thais? especially if she one of the more attractive ones?
There is no stigma here, I very rarely see a Thai guy interfere. There are a few venues to avoid such as Ratchada soi 4 and I have heard of a few people getting in fights at Demo because of it. But for the most part there is no trouble, just don’t talk to girls who are in a group with guys.
You should also add: If someone is looking for the “good” quality thai girl (the long term, conservative marriage types) that it will have to be inevitable that one MUST learn at least basic thai. Learning Thai, from what I was told by a thai girl, gives you a huge advantage over other farangs and possibly other thais, most especially since often times that thais do not completely understand the english language due to cultural reasons.
There were many times I have talked to thai girls online who gave those simple “yes” , “no” or short answer questions and I raged blocked them because I though they were moody or didn’t want to message me or some sort……………only to find out that they simply were being polite and thought that simple answers were easier to communicate with. One girl got back in contact with me and told me that there were certain things she did not understand and thought that giving short answers was normal in the English language.
Communication with them can be very frustrating!
Yes if you learn Thai then it becomes easier, the downside is the time invested. If you speak no Thai it’s best to avoid girls who cannot speak very good English.
हे हार्वी!
Do you get the chance to visit neighbouring countries to Thailand like Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore or Cambodia? If so, could you write about how they compare to Bangkok, or Thailand from culture, lifestyle, food and girls… basically stuff you already write about but from another country’s perspective. I’d be keen to read your thoughts.
Hey Hulk,
that’s a good article, I can do that. What criteria should I measure them on? I’ll come up with my own but if you have ideas let me know.
I’ll leave the criteria part to you mate. Thailand is perfectly located to some awesome countries in SE Asia… it would be great just to talk about a bit more about them. Please also include Vietnam too 🙂
Harvie, get a couple of guest articles in.
You’re starting to sound like a broken record
(for you milennials, a record is a piece of vinyl, usually 12” in diameter, that contains one or more music tracks. When they get old or dusty, they get stuck and repeat the same part of a song over and over until you take it off)
I’m not trolling you, just making a suggestion.
You’re not going to like my next article then :D.
Is the article about miserable internet trolls that can’t get laid?
I will comment on your bit about parks though…..
In Chatuchak Park after about 6pm to 9pm, l am and have been only one of around 5 farang who go jogging here. Often the only one too.
The huge number of girls that come here alone outnumbers the men, and if any of your fitter readers could haul their asses up here on any evening, a reward would be easier had than trying your suggested approach technique in that Chinese tourist infested Rotfai market.
But if anyone reading this is of the lower health rating or just plain unfit, forget the park as security will be onto you like a shot.
They don’t take kindly to sad looking farangs in slippers/vest/shorts harassing joggers, and booze & fags are banned so thats a no-no anyway.
^BTW l’ve never directly tried getting a date at the park, a couple of conversations have led to dates. Just saying it’s a very ideal environment. Readers here should have no problems starting a (face to face) chat though.
To the many whore chasing readers, you won’t find any cheap hoes, sluts or slagdogs working out here so don’t bother. I doubt you could afford the bts fare anyway.
Or all you pathetic fat farangs could find a girl in your home countries. Oops nevermind, that didn’t work out for you. God I love reading this gold, thank you for so much entertainment. You forget to address the readers who laugh at every single post about “getting thai chicks”. Just admit what you are already.
So how are all those girls in your home country? Get a lot of dates do you? Are they lined up queuing at your trailer park prefab shack?
You’re posting on a Thai themed forum so you must be curious about Thai girls or are just another broke ass loser who can’t haul his punk ass to apply for a passport.
Doesn’t mean it didn’t work out at home with farang girls. Aren’t blokes allowed to hate farang women without being branded losers?
Nowadays most female farang feminazi are a f**king pain in the arse.
What about blokes who simply like Asian girls?
@Damnhomie – Hey I know you’re the guy who got his heartbroken by a ladyboy who stole all your money in Thailand last year. I feel for ya man. You’ve been trolling several blog sites lately. But don’t be a hater. There’s plenty of Ladyboy fish in the sea. Don’t let a few bad experiences in Thailand get ya down.
Thai girls never approach me but I approached a few of them. Some of them gave me their line id and some of them didn’t. You give us lots of helpful information but I think you may not good at getting hot girls.
You’re right, I only get cold ones.
@Harvie – Good post. But is there still such a thing as a “Good Thai Girl?”….I thought 95% of attractive women in Thailand work in the sex industry (or have worked in the industry previously) and the other 5% are post-op ladyboys? …Maybe I’m just jaded. Lol ;-P
No jaded, you must just hang around in Nana and Asoke 😉