If you’re part of my email list, I shot out a few emails asking my readers to send me a question they’d like answering.
Here’s what they asked.
How do I make an income big enough so I can live a wonderful life out there?
By working hard and smart.
I don’t want to go into many bars to find a girl for one or two days in Manila, Makati. The same question for Cebu for four or five days. Where can I pick up pretty girls quickly?
If you want to pick up a pretty girl quickly, the best way is to pay an escort if you do not want to visit many go go bars. The cost of an escort is 3-6x more expensive than other options, but hey that is the price you pay for wanting things quick.
Asia isn’t one big factory churning out hot girls that you can pick up out of a vending machine by having money.
Unless your idea of pretty means someone cute and fun and not a 9/10 with no pointy elbows, in which case you’ll find them in every bar.
Hi I want know where is the most amazing most strange place in Pattaya?
I don’t know, but check the comments in 3 days.
Please add #36: How does an Englisgman who can barely read and write in English and eats cheap street food like a peasant because 20 Baht food in mall food courts is “too expensive” get away with running a blog written in English about living in Thailand? Your dick only gets wet in the shower. Fucking pih.
It also gets when when I cream myself from wet dreams :D.
Going to the work aspect, seems from the general options here I’ve done quite well.
Started off as service desk (with no IT background) and now on my 3rd consectuive this October and a lot higher than average salary.
Close to market comparison in the West.
There can always be work (especially in IT) if you look around at larger companies but I assume not available to everybody.
I’m one of the lucky ones
That’s very good. Work permit and everything?
IT Expat,
I am an IT Project Manager (Infrastructure) with 10 years experience. Prior to that 10 years in tech support. I really struggled to find anything in BKK in IT. Do you speak Thai? I assume you have been working for multinationals? Be great to network with you if you are willing. Harvie, sorry to crash the topic.
That’s cool. No I don’t work for multinationals that would mean I’d need to get up around 7am each day lol
That’s cool. No I don’t work for multinationals that would mean I’d need to get up around 7am each day lol.
Question #37 – When guys go to Thailand and end up shagging Ladyboys and having anal sexxx with them, does this make them gay or are they merely experimenting with the 3rd Sex? LOL ;-P
I think it’s only gay if you do it more than once.
Where can young guys go to find older women (40+yrs and up)
Is there a place where young guys can find much older women??? Are there many asian women who like to have fun with younger guys? IS there a friend finder with young guys and older women?
Where do you usually buy fruit in Bangkok. Are they cheap?
I usually go to western super markets. If you want cheap then go to local markets or buy from street vendors, if you want imported go to super markets but it’s more expensive.
Are western supermarket’s fruit cheaper than Terminal 21’s fruit?
Are western supermarket’s fruit cheaper than Terminal 21’s fruit?
Terminal 21 is a mall.
Do you have the 5 year elite visa ?
I don’t discuss my visa type openly.
Hi Harvie, question was directed at IT Expat and his post on 17/09, thanks.
“Where can young guys go to find older women (40+yrs and up)
Is there a place where young guys can find much older women??? ”
Yes. Online dating sites, just filter the results for the age you want and start messaging.
“Are there many asian women who like to have fun with younger guys? IS there a friend finder with young guys and older women?”
No cougar hunting sites because it’s so taboo for women. Most older Asian women don’t get much attention on dating sites anyway, so they’re happy when anyone talks to them. and yeah, you can get flings. A lot of them (especially in Bangkok) are rich career women or come from rich Chinese families… if being a sugar cub is your thing.