
A battle ground, that’s what dating a Vietnamese girl is like.

更新: I updated this article in 2019, so please read the bottom to learn more about Vietnamese girls by which city they live in and how they compare to Thai girls.

And if you are not here for the sexy Vietnamese girls, you will be very soon as they soon take over your senses and focus onto them.

In no other place on the planet have I felt such intense lust and sexual tension with the women. And it’s no surprise that people (even in modern countries) are impressed when you score with a Vietnam girl.

もしそうしたいなら ベトナムの女の子と簡単に出会う, オンライン・デート・サイト最大手の私の個人的な経験をチェックする.

ベトナムの女の子, ベトナムの女の子とデートするための7つのヒント 2019</trp-post-container

This is a guest post by Cyclone, a long term expat living in Vietnam.

UPDATE: I updated this article myself in Dec 2018 so do read till the end for my take on Vietnam girls and how to get a Vietnamese girlfriend.

Where to meet Vietnamese girls?

If you’re already in Vietnam, then you only need to leave your hotel room. If you’re not, then ベトナム・キューピッド is probably your best bet. It’s the site I always use when I fly in, I setup dates with around 6-7 girls a few weeks before hand, and end up sleeping with at least half.

Around 99% of are regular Vietnam girls, and 1% are hookers. They are pretty easy to spot though. Just setup a profile with 3-4 pictures, be friendly and just casually ask if they would like to meet up for a coffee or dinner when you land. Around 90% will agree. 



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