A battle ground, that’s what dating a Vietnamese girl is like.
更新: I updated this article in 2019, so please read the bottom to learn more about Vietnamese girls by which city they live in and how they compare to Thai girls.
And if you are not here for the sexy Vietnamese girls, you will be very soon as they soon take over your senses and focus onto them.
In no other place on the planet have I felt such intense lust and sexual tension with the women. And it’s no surprise that people (even in modern countries) are impressed when you score with a Vietnam girl.
もしそうしたいなら ベトナムの女の子と簡単に出会う, オンライン・デート・サイト最大手の私の個人的な経験をチェックする.
This is a guest post by Cyclone, a long term expat living in Vietnam.
UPDATE: I updated this article myself in Dec 2018 so do read till the end for my take on Vietnam girls and how to get a Vietnamese girlfriend.
Where to meet Vietnamese girls?
If you’re already in Vietnam, then you only need to leave your hotel room. If you’re not, then ベトナム・キューピッド is probably your best bet. It’s the site I always use when I fly in, I setup dates with around 6-7 girls a few weeks before hand, and end up sleeping with at least half.
Around 99% of are regular Vietnam girls, and 1% are hookers. They are pretty easy to spot though. Just setup a profile with 3-4 pictures, be friendly and just casually ask if they would like to meet up for a coffee or dinner when you land. Around 90% will agree.
Hey…What about Da Nang ??? Does it really cost more there and more expensive to fly there? Why Saigon and not Da Nang ?
Hi, I went to Da Nang one month ago, and met a very attractive, smart girl. She speak English very well. So, I took a midnight ride by motorcycle with her, 10 pm – 2 am. She is very cute and nice. Once I got back to my country, our relationship continue by online chat in Facebook. Now, I think I really want to have a romantic casual “night game” with her. Will it be enough if I come back and meet her for 5 days?
Only one way to find out Ron. Best to be honest with her.
Hi RonNang and meet her. She will be very impressed and happy to stay with you a couple of days. Let you show the city, go with hher for dinner, make small gifts and she will eat out of your hand
I am Vietnamese girls living in Vietnam. If you want to know about Vietnamese girls, go to US to see how we are. In Vietnam, the girls are mostly change and different this society just a corruption and money is the most important. Don’t waste of time.
I have met a much much youngergirl on dating site she insists that i must meet her mother and have her approval bfoe she can date me. if things go well she says she will stay with me in hotel sometimes.i have heard it is illegal to take a girl to hotel if not married,Should i check her in as my wife.I have booked hotel for 2
in HCM you should be fine, otherwise I suggest getting an Airbnb rental as the host will not be there.
Its illegal if girl is under 18 year old.
I’ve been in hanoi 1 month now. I thought i would post my own comments / experience.
Firstly, I agree Vietnam Cupid is a good place to start. I initially thought this whole blog was just advertising that site, but on seeing it wasn’t that expensive I bit the bullet and joined as a paying member (which means you can send messages). Just make sure the ‘auto-renew’ feature is turned off in account settings if you don’t wanna be billed forever.
On arrival in Hanoi I had struck up rapport with five or six very pretty girls, one of which actually met me at the airport with transport to my hotel.
The girls are, as the article says, refreshingly honest and transparent. But they are also crafty. They might say things like ‘just friends’ or ‘I’m not looking for a boyfriend ‘, but in reality they all have their eye on one prize: a husband. They will bend over backward to win the prize.
Some are more conservative than others, and how much they are willing to play to gain your affection will differ. Broach the subject of sex in your online chats to gauge if the girl is ok with the subject. I have found they are much less prudish when it comes to sex than western women, and kept chatting happily after I said something about my sex life being boring, or western penis being bigger than Asians. Western women would run a mile!
And yes, it is all a rather amusing game. The girls are sweet, up front, and very affectionate, but also very VERY quick to test your resolve, and claim you as ‘their property’. And a fuck on a first meeting is unlikely. Whether you want to fuck and run, when a girl does agree to see your place, is entirely up to your own moral compass. But, despite multiple opportunities, i have found myself unable to move on from the one girl I’ve been with (yep, the one who met me at the airport). It might be easier if you aren’t living here, and only visiting, but the prospect of more than one girl messaging me with her tests and games is a little tiring.
Thanks for the report Poit. Vietnam Cupid is a very underrated site. Girls in the north are much more conservative, if you head to HCM or south of Hanoi they are way more relaxed. Glad my website helped you out.
Thanks Harvey. Yes it was good read, and quite accurate. Actually, i went out with a new girl last night (i invited her in to see my place, but she said next time). Her major complaint about guys on cupid was that they promise travel and money, like she is a pauper. Tip for new entrants: these people aren’t savages. They’re well educated and intelligent. Don’t speak to them like they’re desperate. Be kind and charming, ask them what they do, show interest, tell them they’re pretty. Western chivalry is very appreciated by vn girls.
Hi Beautiful Creatures of Vietnam . honestly I admire you guys and I also like your country
Hi Folks, I’m a Brit 70 yrs old, pensioner (£2K) per month. Friends in Thailand say go to Vietnam to retire and live out your life. I’m going to start in HCMC and would like a motor bike transport, girlfriend or wife and a condo. What and where would you boys and girls recommend??
District 7 is where all the expats stay so you might want to check out that area first. Me personally, I like District 1 for short-time stays as it’s close to everything, but for long-term stays look at D3 or D7. Might be an idea to stay in each area for a week or two to get the feel for it.
Few months before I met a girl from Vietnam in social media.
From the starting she always said to me that she likes me very much and after sometimes likes turned into love…
But I told her truth everything about me that neither I’m a rich person not I had job that time…
But she still say that she loves only me not my money.
After sometimes she told me that she is more older than me and also she had husband but in real she don’t wants to live with him and she wants to live with me because she loves me and
She also sent me my ticket and visa for Vietnam..
She’s from dong thap.
Now I’m confused because I don’t know how people are there…and if I go there then may be there will be some serious problem for me…
And for this I wants to get your suggestion please…
She shared her everything with me
She is ready to support me in Vietnam
And she also said that she wants to marry me..
Once I get job there then she will move on and come to me…
I wants to know that it’s all real or its a kind of fake…
And is it safe for me if I come there to meet her?
Man, that sounds like a messy situation. Honestly, my advice would be to just walk away and not talk to her again. If she has been dating you and has a husband at home, she is not trustworthy. She could also be lying to you in hope you marry her and provide her a better life.
Again, my advice is to just walk away.
Thank you bro
But what if I also use her…
Like she’s using me to get a better life…
And what if I also use her to get a good job in Ho Chi Minh city?
I wants to know the chances of job there…
Because she already sent me visa and ticket..
Please reply me
It’s never a good idea to use anyone, it’s just not nice.
I would cut contact with her and end it.
Viet Nam is safe. But personally, i think its bettter to be far away from married-girls.
To me, I never fall in love with a guy chatting online. We just stop at friendship only.
As a Vietnamese girl, I would recommend you to stay away from that woman. We appreciate family value. She’s married but still said that she loved you: she’s untrustworthy. Surely, she was trapping you for other purposes. Remember, if she could do this to her husband, sooner or later, she would do the same to other men. Be wise!
I loved the article and it helped me understand what I was doing and gave me the resolve to push on. I’m traveling with a girl I met at my Brothers wedding last Nov. She’s my sister in-law’s friend… so beautiful and also almost exactly like you say in your article.
I went home from the wedding and promised her that I’d come back and take her traveling with me. I was really nervous about the experience but now with two days to go of an epic adventure 2 week adventure I’m just so glad that I did it.
The opening line in the article says dating VN girls is a battlefield…. haha I love that..!! It’s so true, after two weeks I feel like I’ve gone 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali.
I may have taken on a larger than normal task as my GF is from the a very small village in the North and is from the Thai ethnic community, I went to her village and met her family which was one of the most unreal experiences I’ve ever had.
But if you can hang in there it’s definitely worth It. Just make sure you’re willing to take on her, her immediate family and her extended family….
It’s definitely not for the faint hearted.
I am ‘seeing’ a Ho Chi Minh city woman.. When we met, she seemed nervous but very outgoing with me… after it was obvious we ‘like’ each other, she turned very bossy and seemingly rude as well. I thought this was it and I was going to stop seeing her because she seemed just to angry-like and doesn’t like me to call her pretty names like beautiful, etc… But then I realised she is actually like that and her attitude was not a reflection of her opinion of me… She is just weird to me and still playing some sort of game… She seems to like me a lot but would not be caught holding hands with me, specially in front of her friends… I know she likes me but it is just too weird…
Is there anything specific to know about Ho Chi Minh women? What are they like?
Sounds like a crazy to me without more info, perhaps she has had some mental trauma in her youth that is making her act this way. Not holding hands in public is normal they are a pretty conservative culture, she might also feel shy embarrassed for having a white boyfriend because of culture etc.
The girl who you are mentioning definitely is Vietnamese girl.
I’m a Vietnamese girl, was born and is living in Saigon. I’ve seen many interracial couples go to the cinema hands in hands, and to us it’s kind of cute somehow (you know, like a very tall western guy with a petite Vietnamese girl). The girl you talked about is just so weird. Are you sure she is from HCMC or she’s from somewhere else, coming to HCMC to study or work? Besides, I don’t know which level of her English proficiency is. Sometimes, language barriers can cause lots of misunderstanding.
People in HCMC are exposed to the world and different cultures, so we are quite open-minded nowadays. Showing love in public places like kissing or hugging is fine.
I have been romantically involved with a wonderful Vietnamese girl from Ben Tre for almost seven months now and we have talked daily morning and evening for seven months. She speaks English quite well and has had a bad, abusive marriage, just like me. I live in the U.S. and I’m European originally. She has also been in contact with my mother in Europe and they get along amazingly. She has been so kind to me, so patient, and we are meeting each other later this year. We have gotten extremely close and she told me that family values, a good heart, no divorce, and a loving home are important to her and I feel exactly the same. I have very strong family values as well. We laugh a lot together and we only have eyes for each other. I have even met most of her family on Facetime including her wonderful grandmother. I will meet her family later this year when I go to Vietnam. We have a very strong bond now and it will get even stronger once we meet and we want to be together. I have even looked for jobs in Vietnam but she is fine with coming here to the U.S. My experience has been nothing but extremely positive. I have dated a Vietnamese girl here in the U.S. for a little bit and she was extremely giving and kind to me. I didn’t work out because she was still hung up on her ex-boyfriend. I can only say amazing things about the culture and the mentality. The culture, the friendliness, the openness, are absolutely refreshing and positive. I feel very lucky to have a Vietnamese girlfriend and possibly now embarking on a lifelong journey with a beautiful Vietnamese girl. It looks like we are heading towards marriage and I have only heard very positive things being married to a Vietnamese girl. I would consider myself a lucky guy indeed.
Sounds like great new Tony. I would get her to take a 2 month trip the US first to see how she will find it, she may not like it and will be FAR away from her family. If that does not work then you may want to consider moving to Vietnam. Girls who move to a western country fit in well when they have a social circle and job to give them meaning, if she is staying at home while you work all day, that will cause friction later.
I’m sure all will go well, but do think about these things.
Hi, I’m a European professional, still good looking, despite the age (60 y.o.)
You who are or were in Vietnam do you know whether Vietnamese young ladies who are Professional, decent and VERY SERIOUS do accept to start a serious partnership with a man who is many years older than they are? 30 years and more.
I thank you in advance for your kind reply.
Lots of girls are looking for serious relationship, you just take time finding them (it’s not hard). Vietnamese girls are more conservative than say Thai or Pinoy girls, you just need to spend time finding them.
Yes. you can, if you are serious and it is better to live in Vietnam.
Vietnam is wonderful place to live.
I want to visit a girl. In January, been texting a couple months. I want to visit and she wants us to travel to, da nang for three days with another couple. She says she just wants us to date and see if we are compatible. I Honestly want a relationship but I also Want to have sex with her. But maybe she’s just using me for the free trip and tell me she only sees me as a friend.
Best thing is to be upfront and honest otherwise you can end up in weird games which aren’t fair on either of you.
Vietnam has got to be the coolest place on the planet. I met a girl in Dubai who i instantly had a good connection with. She was working as a hotel waitress at the time and we basically done the dating thing as soon as we met. I wanted her to go back to her home/family and i now live there with her when i am not at work. She is very beautiful with a heart to match. We have been in a relationship for 3 years now and i would not change anything about her even if i could. I have found the Vietnamese people to be the most polite and good natured of any place i have ever visited. The thing i love most about her is that she has grown up with nothing..she left school at 13 to sell candy in the city bus station and the proceeds went to her parents who had 9 kids. She really knows how to take care of her family including me and tells me that Vietnamese lady are very proud of the way they take care of their men. She tells me that “all vietnam lady same same”. I will marry her and we will live a long and happy life together..i know that much.
vietnamese girl are very cute and caring there is no doubt about it. In far east among all countries vietnamese girl are extremely beautiful and caring. They are open to do adult chat. Most of girl are married in 25-30. They like older man. They are hard working and care completely their man. Indian girl are opposite. Being Indian , I hate Indian Girl since I met fews vietnamese girl. If they like you , they can easy sleep with you. But forget you if she dont enjoy the night. Vietnam has more girl population compare to men. As far as Ha noi and HCM girl concern , Ha noi girl are far more open minded and get along with you. Its truely fun with VN girl. Life get relax with these beautiful VN girls. I love them a lot.
Love you all vietnamese girl. Any VN girl please reply with you. I will be friend with you.
I love Vietnam, I visited there when I was a child and had a blast. The people there were very nice and generous which is something that is rarely found in foreign countries. Just recently, I found this very attractive Vietnamese girl on Facebook who (based on her posts) seems to be searching for a man as well. My only question is that since she is from Ho Chi Minh and I’m really tempted to send her a message, I’m not quite sure how I should approach her. She lives in the same state in which I do, which is an advantage if she ever wants to meet up, but again I’m not sure where I should start?!?
…By the way GREAT ARTICLE!!!
Just message her and say I came across your post after doing a search on Facebook for X, “what a small world we live in the same state….” then take it from there.
Yesterday we were good, her cousins shipped me with her, I showed up today and she completely gave me the cold shoulder. Thus happens on and off. Does she like me or just think of me as an aquitainance. I’m not looking fir a bang, I’m looking for a real relationship, she doesn’t even know that yet, so is she testing me to ask her to be my gf or does she think of me as just a friend.
She gave me her number. Last week. I haven’t been to clingy. We are in LA, but she is originally from Vietnam.
I am seing a Vietnam woman and it is very different than meeting a westerner woman. But I uderstand her better now that i know about The friend à lover curve that you explain. Thank you
Honestly speaking folks, I have been in a relationship with a Vietnamese girl for about 3 months, I am 40 and she is 20, honestly speaking the worst relationship ever, the most painful and the most disastrous. We have no communication whatsoever in between us but love you love you is still there lol. She goes off scene for few day and then send me a message when I reply, no answer from her, I am in the most difficult relationship of my life, please help me to find a better way to say goodbye to her and forget her
Boy oh Boy have you all got a few things to learn, playing in HCMC is easy, Hanoi not so as it is more traditional.
Play, Play, Play and have fun but be very sure if you are going to marry and have kids.
I could never understand why my wife’s absolutely stunning friends would complain about about their husbands girlfriends and why they even have them.
Well now I know, they play an excellent marketing game to lure you in, when kids come along you become the earner of money, very little else and you wife’s focus moves entirely to the children, so beware the Vietnamese culture.
Hm, very interested in this article, Now I understand much about foreigners purpose when they visiting Vietnam. I hope that all of you would to be honest with Vietnamese girls, you will receive back forward and vice versa. most of them are still young, please don’t do shit with them
I am happily married, but enjoy this author. I just returned from northern Vietnam. I made many friends there. It’s a uniquely wonderful place. As an American i’m saddened by some of the crap we westerners export. I saw many drunk dirty backpackers in Hanoi. Acting like Neanderthals. The pop culture crap we export is bad for the country also.. I feel like Vietnamese people and culture is at a higher level, like the 50’s is right. How long will it be that wáy? If the western style block buildings in Sapa bother you, so should degraded behaviour .. If you are honest and treat Vietnamese women with respect, you will do yourself and your country proud. Peace
Good post, I agree with your comments 100%.
Hi guys
I am planning to go on a short break to VN and as per advice from the site, I got into Vietnam Cupid with the aim of finding someone who would show me round the city, have dinners with me, share my bed and generally enjoy each other’s company. I found someone and we have been chatting for a few weeks. We have hit it off well, she is planning all sorts of nice things for my visit, she acts like she is in love and appears to have long term on her mind. I know she is genuine because we work in similar industries and she is on the level. What worries me is that I have no intention of making a life decision after a four-day holiday, while she might be having different ideas. I don’t want to say anything that might prick the bubble now, but worry that there might be tears at the end. I have never been to VN and don’t know the temperament of the people. Are my fears justified? In the West, this would not be a concern as everyone accepts that you make your own choices.
Myself, I would tell her upfront that you’re only here for x days and aren’t sure when you’ll be back, then it’s up to her. I would not tell her at the end as it’s a little misleading. When you tell her the truth what usually will happen is she will get sad, but will want to meet you anyway because she is happy to meet you and experience love/lust or whatever you want to call it, to feel not so good after. But you’ll both have a friend for life assuming you’re both genuine.
Thanks Harvie. I agree with your insights and fell more reassured now. She already knows it’s only for four days and I have given no guarantee of returning to VN, although I have said that some day I would like to explore other parts of VN, Laos and Cambodia, which we might do together. And it would be really nice to have a lifelong friend, as long as there is no implied commitment for anything more. Life is too short to cause and endure hurt.
Yes life is too short. You’re about to embark on an epic journey, I wish you well.
Why do people in some of your articles comment about the ‘clean-shave’ look? Is it important to be ‘clean-shaved’ all the time?
Yes, Asian girls don’t like beards in general, they consider it very unclean.
I have dated a few Vietnam girls in the past 1 year and all I can say is they prioritize money over love.
Expect to pay for their family members too when go out for meals, and yes, their family members can tally over 10.
You must be dating the wrong girls, if you put in the effort you can find a great sweet local girl.
What a great read. So many interesting complex people. I’m trying to understand how the scene works in Vietnam. Going to Danang in April for a short 7day golf trip with some friends (usually go to Thailand). A bit nervous about some of what I’ve read ie. Sexually transmitted disease, getting ripped off etc. How do I find good, reasonable girl friendly hotels, bars nightlife etc and of couple girls?
In Danang your best bet will be online, such a small town, there will only be a few bars.
I like Vietnam and the girls but they take forever to put out. That’s a very bog minis for me. Shittypines actually beats it out for fast sex.
I know for a fact that the girls are slutty but doing a million crappy coffee dates is not my idea of fun.