
In this article you’ll learn the cost of sex in Thailand for tourists.

Many people come to Thailand each year for the food, weather and girls. There are many places you can get sex in Thailand if you know where to look, or even if you just get lost. This article is to give you a brief overview of places or websites one can go and バンコクでのセックス, and the price that comes with it.

を手に入れたいなら sex for free in Thailand, then check out this article.

Dating sites in Thailand

Before we discuss the prices of sex in Thailand, I’ll mention the best way to get laid for free.

Dating sites such as タイのキューピッド are great ways to get sex in Bangkok for free, but it’s a little less convenient but more fun. Just create an account before you arrive, message several girls and at least 2-3 will be up for a meet.


Take them to dinner somewhere nice and ask them if they would want to come back with you, most will be more than happy to (and they don’t want money). Dating in Thailand is a lot more relaxed than in the west and girls are fine with casual relationships.


Body Blissは今、あなたのアパートやホテルへのアウトコールサービスのマッサージのみを提供しています。彼らの価格は完全にサイトに記載されており、女の子はホットです。タイでのセックス、観光客のためのタイでのセックス7つのヒント。

彼らはまた、あなたのマッサージのために男性を選ぶことができるサービスを持っている。すべての女の子を見ることができますが、彼らのウェブサイトを訪問する ボディブリス・バンコク・ドットコム


エキゾチックバンコクは、最新のアウトコール/インコールマッサージプロバイダです。彼らは、タントラからヌルへ、変態マッサージにすべてを持っています。彼らはバンコクで最高の女の子のいくつかを持っています。インコールについては、スクンビット20でそれらを見つける。あなたはここで彼らの提供を見ることができます: エキゾチック・マッサージ・バンコク・ドットコム


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エロティックバンコクマッサージは24時間年中無休で営業しており、一日のいつでもあなたのニーズに対応しています。完全なサービスと女の子を見るには、彼らのウェブサイトをご覧ください: eroticbangkokmassage.com

Rough estimates for prices of sex in Thailand (updated for 2019)

The prices listed below were last updated December 2017 and will not have changed much since. Please note these are just ballpark figures of what you should be paying, prices can vary from the amounts below based on the bar or girl.

A bar fine can cost anywhere from 600-1,000b in a go-go bar.

Short-term with a go-go girl will cost around 1,500 upwards for 2 hours. The hotter the girl the more you’ll pay. It’s not uncommon to pay 4,000+ plus for short-term.

Longtime can start from 2,000b upwards. Again it’s not uncommon to pay more, I think the hottest girls usually ask for 7,000-10,000b.

You first need to pay the bar fine, then you pay the short-time or long-term fee.

Thai prostitutes, the prices usually start around 1,500b. It used to 1,000b a few years ago but it seems that has jumped up a little bit. Again it’s not uncommon for Thai prostitutes to ask for 3,000+.

The bar fine is non-negotiable, you cannot ask to pay less.

The short-time and the long-term amount you can negotiate. You can also negotiate with Thai prostitutes with prices.

If you want a handjob from a massage sop the price is 500-600b on top of the massage price. A blowjob is between 700-1,000b in a BJ shop. If you ask a go-go girl or Thai prostitutes only for a handjob or blowjob, they will charge you the same price as sex.

関連ベストを見つける バンコク フェラチオ bars and the best BJ bars in Pattaya.

What does this money actually get you in terms of service, that’ varies from girl to girl. Be sure to sort out all the details before you take her home.

更新: This article on sex in Thailand was originally written a few years ago.

Thailand prostitution prices in 2019 are around 1,500b upwards for a freelancer.

Thai prostitute prices for go go girls now start from 2,500b for short-term and 3,000b upwards for long-term.

Compared to finding マカオでのセックス または Hong Kong’s red light district.

Thai sex clubs – do they exist?

There aren’t any Thailand sex clubs that I know of. The closet thing you’ll find to a Thai sex club is a massage parlour where you can choose one or two girls.

Even if you do visit a massage parlour do not expect it to be anything like a sex club you have visited in the west.

Thai sex clubs and sex clubs in Asia in general are very rare.

Prostitution in Thailand – it is legal?

No, prostitution in Thailand is not legal, although this is rarely enforced.

I’ve lived in Thailand for 8 years now and within that time less than half a dozen raids on place have taken place.

If you’re really worried about Thailand prostitution and don’t want any risk of being caught or in trouble, my advice would be to find a Thai prostitute on the street and take her back to your home or apartment.

Read: the cost of セックス・イン・バリ and where to find the best ジャカルタの性感マッサージ.

Nobody is going to knock on your door and get you out of bed, but there is a very small chance of that happening if you visit a brothel.

What’re the chances of a one night stand in Thailand?

As more western people come here, the chances of getting free sex in Thailand is dropping. It’s hard to quantify the likelihood of getting a one night stand in Bangkok, as each person is different.

There’s a lot of qualities to take into account, how do you look, how good are you with words, how well can you read a situation.

関連:どこで見つけるかを学ぶ プーケットのフリーランサー and normal girls in Patong.

For argument’s sake, let’s say the chance of pulling a night one stand in one of Bangkok’s nightclubs is around 20%. If you add the fact of sleeping with a hooker who does not ask for money, then around 50%.

To get your numbers to 90-100%, ask a girl on Thai Cupid to meet you at a nightclub.

Bars around the Sukhumvit area are great places to meet normal girls in Bangkok, there are dozens of bars in Thong Lor, Ekkamai and Phrom Phong.  Not all the girls will speak English but this area in your best bet. Koh San Road is also okay for meeting Thai girls, while there are lots of backpackers there, there’s just as many Thai girls.

For me Koh San Road bars are a little too busy and noisy, some of these bars blast the music out so loud you cannot speak. The upside is that beers are super cheap, you’ll be paying around 140b for a big 600ml beer in KSR where the same will cost you 250b+ at any fancy bar in Sukhumvit.

You can also find dozens of bars in Nana and Asoke but they tend to be a mixture of normal Thai girls and Thai prostitutes.

Go-go bars in Bangkok

The first port of call for the unsuspecting travellers are the go-go bars in Bangkok. They are full of タイのバーの女の子 who you can ‘bar fine’ and will spend the next hour or night with you depending on what option you pick for. Go-go bars are one of the best ways about getting sex in Thailand, the girls are tested regularly and if you ever have a complaint or problem you know where to go to.

However, all that comes at a cost, the price you will pay for sex in Bangkok from taking a go-go girl out the bar will vary from 2,200+ baht upwards.

Read my guide on why not to use タイのティンダー そして ホアヒンでのパーティー。

The bar fine is usually around 600-700 baht, although it’s not uncommon to see some places charge as high as 1,200 baht. Then comes the short-time or long-time price. Once again this can vary from 1,700+ short time to 2,200+ baht for long-time.

Long time = The girl will stay overnight.

Short time = You have the girl for 1-2 hours.

If you find yourself in a Thai style go-go, prices tend to be much cheaper, but if you’re on a holiday in Thailand chances are you will never see one.


To know how to get the best go-go girls who will prove you the best service read my article on タイの売春婦. Some Thai go-go girls are really smart and they will do everything in their power to get you to buy drinks while you’re inside the bar, but when you bar fine them and leave they go cold.

This is a common ploy used by some girls so please read my article to find out how to avoid these sorts of tricks.

Sex with Thai prostitutes (freelancers)

Thai prostitutes are probably the preferable method for guys to get sex in Thailand.

Thai prostitutes or freelancers are girls that are usually working on the street or in several ‘shady’ nightclubs, hanging around waiting for a guy to talk to them and take them back home or out on the town.

They are not associated with any bar, so if you get in a jam or have trouble, you can’t really do much. The upside is that they usually ask for a lower price compared to go-go bars. Sex in Bangkok for Thai prostitutes tends to start at 1,500+ baht upwards.

Girls will usually give you an inflated figure to start with perhaps 3,000-4,000, it’s okay to negotiate and lower the price to what you feel is fair.

Remember to be polite when discussing prices and not to be rude or insulting. If you do plan on going out and getting a Thai prostitute from the street or club, be sure to hide all the expensive stuff in your room in your safe or somewhere.

Going to Phuket? Get prices for プーケットの石鹸マッサージ.

The chances that they will rob you are very cheap but it’s always best to air on the side of caution.

I know friends who come to Thailand for sex and get black out drunk. The next morning they have an empty wallet and can’t remember if the girl took their money while sleeping or if they spent it during the night out.

If you’re going to China read my articles on how to meet 上海の女の子 またはどこで見つけるか 上海でのセックス.

Escort agencies

If you have any problems, you can always contact the agency and they will most likely sort out your problems.


Massage parlous

I’ve already written a little about and massage parlous in Bangkok, but they are another awesome way of getting sex in Bangkok discreetly. Prices once again vary from place to place, but they should start from around 1,700+ baht upwards. Always ask about price beforehand as some do charge 5,000+ baht.

Pro tip: Always ask the manager what you get for your money, this includes your time and how many ‘shots’ you get.

Sex in Nuru shops

A Nuru massage shop is similar to a regular massage shop except they offer Nuru gel massages. Most places that offer a Nuru massage also offer full sex services. Expect to pay anything from 2,000 baht upwards for an hour.

You can find the highest concentration of Nuru sex shops in Soi 31 and 33.

Check out my newest post about Nuru massage in Bangkok

Kapoo clubs and sex

Kapoo clubs don’t offer sex. They are a massage shop where all you can get is a hand job. Don’t come here looking for sex as you will not get it.

Check out this article to know more about kapoo clubs in Bangkok.

Soapy massages

A huge percentage of soapy massages are located in Huay Kwang, and are another option for tourists to get sex in Thailand. Here girls are in what is called a ‘fishbowl’ and you select the girl you like. Each spa varies as some will involve mattresses and oil, others bathtubs while some just have a bed.

Prices once again vary from 1,700-5,000+ baht, and it’s not uncommon for some places to have a unique price for each girl they have to offer.

Soapy massages in Bangkok will usually always have a bar, so you can have a drink first and relax before you go into it. There’s never any pressure on you to pick a girl, you can just sit down and do whatever you like.

Can I ask a normal girl for sex for money?

Well you can, but that would just be weird – don’t be that guy. If you want to date or sleep with a normal girl, just be normal. Take her out on a date, be friendly and ask if she wants to come back to yours. Lots of girls on Thai friendly are up for casual encounters, don’t be ruin it by giving her money for sex.

99% of all Thai girls are your regular girls who would be insulted if you gave them money. Not every girl wants money for sex in Thailand, in fact, only working girls do.

Do remember that getting Bangkok girls will cost a lot more than チェンマイの女の子 if you’re looking to pay for sex.

Can I bring hooker back to my hotel or condo?

If you have your own condo or apartment, you can bring back whoever you like. Unless your lease states you cannot have guests over (it will almost never say this), you can bring back girls. Most hotels will also allow you to bring back girls.

A few have polices that states no bar girls or will require you to pay extra to bring a girl to your room. Every hotel in Bangkok Soi 2,4,6 and 8 will let you bring girls back no questions asked. Western men coming to Thailand for sex is obviously really common, so some hotels are trying to eek a bit more money by charging you more for a guest (around $5-$10).

Please note that it is standard for some hotels to scan the girl’s ID before she is allowed to your room, this is for your protection in case anything happens later.

Do I need to pay ladyboys for sex?

I don’t have much experience with ladyboys but let me tell you what I do know. There are two types of タイのレディーボーイ:

1. Ladyboys who don’t way you to pay for sex

2. Ladyboys who do want you to pay for sex

You will find the former on dating sites, none Thai prostitutes clubs like Route 66, Onyx and Funky Villa. These will be regular ladyboys who work regular jobs looking for fun. They will never ask you to pay for sex.

The latter is working ladyboys. They will often be found around lower Sukhumvit and you will have to pay to have sex with them. Some will be walking up and down the street (these are Thai prostitutes), while some work in ladyboy only massage shops.

Sex in Thailand with ladyboy Thai prostitutes is anywhere between 500-2,000 baht.

Sex with ladyboys in massage shops usually is 1,500-3,000. It’s not uncommon to pull a ladyboy street lancer off the street for free if you be really nice and drop some game.

Can I get hi-so girls?

If you don’t know what a hi so is then read my Thai hi-so article here. Finding yourself a hi-so Thai girl requires networking. You will most likely need to have Thai friends or farang friends who have connections. They often hang out at high-end bars that farangs never visit or go to events and shows.

If you do meet a Thai hi-so girl who wants to sleep with you, never give her money for sex! A hi-so girl will have more money than you and by even mentioning money will ruin your chances.

What are the chances of getting STD when having sex?

Slim if you wrap up. There seems to be a growing culture in Bangkok with guys not using a condom unless the girl demands it. My advice is to always use a condom regardless if the girl is a normal girl or if you’re paying for it.

If you really hate using condoms, you can get tested for everything (including HIV) in Thailand for around 300 baht. Take the girl with you and get her tested. But seriously, you don’t have to worry about anything, most of the stuff you hear on the news is propaganda.

STDs are rare, but they do happen. Even if you wear a condom you may still get an STD. Nothing is 100% safe but to lower your chances always use protection and make sure the girl you’re with also uses protection with other guys.

Sex with Thailand bar girls

You can find beer bars everywhere in Thai. By this I mean even in the remote village. Beer bars are considered the symbol of the Thai sex industry.

In Pattaya, for example, you can find more than 2000 beer bars with 5 to 10 Thai cuties willing to entertain you.

One good thing about this sex establishment is that sex is cheaper compared to go-go bars. They also suit one who dislikes loud music, so a better date experience.

Once you walk into the bar, order a drink and invite a lady to share drinks. Buy her beer and have a chit-chat.


If you are really into her, pay the bar fine and she will escort you to a private room for sex.

Average cost: 1000 baht for drinks + 600 baht as bar fine.

Sex with Thai karaoke girls

Not all Thai karaoke have girls to have sex with. The scarcity of girls in these venues has made the price for sex considerably higher compared to other places.

For example, 3 years ago G-club charged 1500 pesos for a girl overnight. Fast forward to2018 and the price has doubled to 3000 pesos.

 Sex with Thai street hookers

Well, if you are looking for cheap sex, then you better look for Thai prostitutes on the street. The price here depends if its short time or a long time.

For an average looking girl the price for a short time is 500 baht with the younger and attractive ones charging 700 baht.

If you want to spend the night with her be ready to part with 1000 baht.

While the price for sex here sounds attractive, I don’t do street Thai prostitutes and it’s for a reason. One is that the majority badly behave and two, they are probably infected with some disease.

Thailand brothels

A brothel is another option for those on a tight budget. Cheap here might again be expensive.

You will also notice that the girls here are not of Thai origin with most from Burma, Cambodia, and Laos.

If you have sex with a girl for 40 minutes, you will pay between 300 and 500 baht.

Thai sideline girls

Sideline girls are normal girls willing to have sex with you in hope of financial gain in return. Sometimes you could have sex with them totally for free.

In other words, these are girls looking for sponsors. They love to go shopping.

If you bother to ask they will ask for 1000-2000 baht short time.

Thai college girls

College girls are always in search for more money. It’s understandable considering how rare cash came along.

In Thailand, there are many universities swarmed with girls looking for a sponsor.

If I’m to quote a price, it will cost you 10,000 baht per month or be paying her rent.

The model looking girls will ask for more, e.g. 30,000 baht.

If you are lucky, you might get a girl who is looking for fun, sex, without any monetized reward.

Best town in Thai to find girls for sex

Let’s start with Bangkok, Thailand’s capital city.

Bangkok is a top sex tourist city. If you are reading this for fun and want to suggest a trip for your sex-hungry friend, go with Bangkok.

Bangkok has some of the best gentlemen’s club in the country with its soapy massage earning a good reputation.

For that, Bangkok is jammed with girls looking to tap some of the sex money going around.

Pattaya – Pattaya is like the mother of beer bars and go go bars. If on a tight budget visit its beach and you will find plenty of prostitutes in Thailand ready to give you fun.

Phuket and Chiang Mai are two cities that smell girls. This makes tourist so horny and the girls are ready to give it cheap.

Thailand prostitution tips

Vocabularies you should know when meeting Thailand prostitutes

  • Short time – sex for 90 minutes
  • Long time – overnight sex
  • Bar fine – fine paid for the girl to leave work early.
  • Shot- A unit used to count the number of times you ejaculate.

To stay safe, here are the do and don’t:

  • Respect the local. With this, I mean their Thai culture, people, and authority.
  • Never get too drunk. Thai thugs will find you an easy target.
  • Always pay your bills.
  • Avoid confrontations.
  • Be vigilant with traffic.
  • Don’t do underage girls – the legal age of content in Thailand is 18 years old.

Can I get laid in Thailand without paying for sex?

Of course you can. After living here for 6 years there is only one reason guys pay for sex in Thailand – it’s because they are too lazy to take a girl on a date. You don’t need to be a pickup artist in Thailand to get girls, you don’t even have to be sexy or stylish, you only need to be a nice guy.

I have friends who use sites like Thai Friendly to sleep with 2-3 girls a week, others will go to nightclubs and pull girls without paying for money. It’s not hard.

を手に入れたいなら sex for free in Thailand, then check out this article.


The line can sometimes become a bit cloudy when a tourist thinks he has pulled a normal guy but she turns out to be a Thai prostitutes. But seriously, if you are on a budget or don’t want to pay for Thailand sex, then head to the clubs or check out the dating sites like タイのキューピッド.

Anyway, I hope this gives you an idea of the ways one can get sex in Thailand while on a holiday or extended stay. If you have any of your ideas, feel free to leave a comment below.

Where is your favourite place to find sex in Thailand?



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