
This is a topic of hot bother. There are several Thailand forums that debate what a Thai hi society member is, and what traits and backgrounds they have.

If you want to meet well educated Thai girls for free, then この記事を読む.

タイのハイソサエティ(Hi So)ガールズ。As somebody who drives a Mercedes Benz in England, owns an original Calvin Klein wallet and a badminton, squash and tennis racket made from carbon fiber and graphite, I’m probably in the top 1% of hi society expats in Thailand, who can spot a hi society Thai girl from a mile away while wearing a blindfold.

タイのハイソサエティ(Hi So)ガールズ。

I am often told by expats, friends and people on forums that they dated a hi so Thai girl, or that their タイのガールフレンド is hi so because she has this or that.

In this educational piece, I am going to reveal 6 characteristics of hi so Thai girls that I’ve learned while タイ在住.

1. They have the latest mobile phone

At the time of writing this article (June 25th, 2015), a legitimate hi so Thai girl will have either an iPhone 6 Plus or a Samsung Galaxy Edge 6. Notice the words in bold, if your date or girlfriend only has a iPhone 6 or a standard Samsung Galaxy 6, I have some bad news for you.

If she owns a Nokia, Sony or Windows phone that costs over 20,000 baht, she’s kinda hi so, but not full hi so.

The highest of hi sos will have the trifecta:  iPhone 6 Plus, iMac Air 2 and the latest iPad (all must be in white).

2. She doesn’t drown a pizza in ketchup

Members of high society in any country are culturally aware and I think food plays an important factor in deciphering if one is indeed a hi so, or a pretender. A really classy hi so will eat a pizza without pouring at least 65% of the ketchup bottle onto the pizza.



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