
A few typical examples from people who have meet “Hi So Thai” people, thinking that anybody with a bit of money or being able to act even slightly western classes them as a “Hi so Thai.

“She had her own car and a job, she is a hi so!”

“She had an iPhone 5 and paid for her own meal on our date, shes a hi so!”

“I met her inside Insomnia and she spoke very good English and buying her self Barcadi Breezers, shes hi so” You mean Ho So?

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ハイ・ソー・タイ、ハイ・ソー・タイとは?What exactly is a Hi so?

Does anybody actually know what an actual Hi so Thai is? Expect for the elitist wannabe Thai expats who think they know it all but truth be told don’t know jack s***, well any who ill give it a stab.

A Hi So Thai (I think) is usually a person whose family background is very wealthy, not recent wealth but wealth gained over a prolonged period of time.  They have or have had high ranking family members in the government system or military.

Holiday homes in ホアヒン or a similar spot, the times when they get stopped by the Thai police they just need to make one phone call before they are back on their way doing whatever it is they shouldn’t be.

You won’t find Cambodian girls または women in Burma saying this simply because both places are quite poor.

They may also have a lot of respect and pull in a certain town or city, due too there family name and what they ancestors have done in the past. A Hi So Thai would also have a strong family legacy, connected to well respected and well recognised people of the public spreading over a series of decades.



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