In this guide you’ll learn the cost of sex in Manila and where to go.
Like so many places in South East Asia, the Philippines are also famous due to the fact that it also caters to sex tourists.
もしそうしたいなら マニラでフリーセックスそして この記事を読む.
Manila is quite vast and developed when it comes to its nightlife and has a lot of options to offer towards different types of foreign men. Of course, meeting girls also means another thing – sex. It is easy to hook up with Filipino girls in Manila mainly because they speak English better than any other neighboring countries.
They are also good looking with their black hair, black eyes and slim figures. In fact, there are several フィリピンの女の子 who are willing to have sex especially with foreign men without any money involved.
It is just a matter of knowing where to find them. But if you have a couple of cash or dollars to spare and looking to find an instant casual sex with no strings attached you can be able to find them in a lot of areas in Manila.
So the question is what is the cost of sex in Manila?
First you would have to know that Manila or Philippines is a tropical country, so it is better to travel during the months of January and March since this is the time when the season is not wet and hot. You would rather keep them inside your pants.
So if you are looking for sex in Manila, here are some of the things that you should need to know:
Damn good info. Thank you!
(1) Shogun Spa is permanently closed (Dec 2017). The ONLY spa in Malate for sex. The others give only hand jobs.
(2) Amazonia (Dec 2017), a free lance bar is permanently closed, leaving only L.A. Cafe for freelancers.
(3) The KTV girls in Malate are simply there to suck you for lady drinks. Bar fines are not available, so the girls there aren’t hookers. They earn their money by having you buy them drinks.
(4) The prices above for L.A. Cafe are egregiously wrong. True prices are as follows. 1st floor girls: 1500-2000 Pesos to take them out (not necessarily all night). 2nd floor girls: 2500-5000 Pesos. Negotiate with the girls. However 2nd floor girls are more expensive.
Given the added hassle and expense of getting to the Philippines from Asia, the Philippines is a disappointment. KTVs are useless, freelancers have only L.A. Cafe (minimum 1500 Pesos to take a girl out), and getting around Manila is a pain: cabbies always trying to scam you (they won’t use the meter since there are a shortage of cabs), the light rail’s trains are infrequent and the lines are not extensive enough for us, and there are more beggars in the Philippines that in any other East Asian country. Beggars knock on the window of your taxi, and on your window at McDonald’s. They also open the door for you at a 7-Eleven, expecting a gratuity. The begging is upsetting to me.
Thanks for the updates.
if possible more than 100% agreed with you. Indonesian 1000 times better than Philippines.
Went to Edsa last night. Upscale place all owned by one person. Beer 155 php, girl drink 355 php, short-time 5500 php, long-time 7500 php. Nice girls though. Easily a 10000 php night. Be there before the Japanese guys wipe out all the girls.
Yeah you got the official prices right, thats what the girls there tell you, barfine 2500, tip to the girl for short time 3000. Total 5500. But its not the full truth. Tip is not carved in stone, the girl already has a salary included in the 2500 barfine. I gave 1500 in edsa pasay, already too much but the girl was exceptionally pretty and fresh looking, no old bar or cigarette smell, thats a big plus.
However the ladiesdrinks in edsa entertainment complex are suspicious, they have a rosy smell that i dont think is alcoholic, the girls at the other table sitting with a viking-like scandinavian guy had emptied several glasses and had no sign of being influenced by alcohol. Edsa-ec is basically a big inflated price scam to milk you dry, targeting koreans in particular. Been there once and thats enough, all foreigners are better off going straight to angeles, 10k easily last 2 evenings with some LD and barfine each night. Harvey also mention it some place that angeles is the go-to place, he know what he is talking about.
I’ll give my comments based on further progress.
EDSA has some new 18 year old new girls at the minute they are smoking hot to look at and wild in the sack. At least you can go from bar to bar in EDSA complex and find one that takes your fancy just poke your head in and walk around. Plenty of pretty young things with flat bellies and nice tits and legs to die for.
TO KanoGirlHunter:
Where in EDSA?
Across from Copacabana Hotel
Anybody familliar with fineline ktv bar in quezon city
Amazonia is closed
Forever or just renovation?
Do they do lap dances in Filipino bars?
It’s not a lap dance but if you buy the girl a drink she’ll sit on your lap and dance.
In Angeles theres a lot of dryhumping these days in some bars. In one bar (cant remember the name) i was dryhumped at the bar desk in most positions imaginable by a fairly hot 20 year old who obviously knew the best moves. In ATLANTIS in walking street i saw several girls doing it both with and without groin contact. Called on the hottest girl on stage (possibly the hottest girl PERIOD) to come drink with me, and she was very much into it and took pleasure in it, didnt need to tell her to go on, she wasnt planning to stop. If you like lapdance youre gonna love it, lets hope this trend will spread to other bars if it hasnt already, adding new activities stops us from getting too bored of all the same-old stuff they offer everywhere.
jasper youll get a room on a ktv girl will do anything dance sing and extras
We want girls in hotel how much money you want for 1 girls we want do the sex togather … in makati hotel .. how much cost
Girls start from 2,000 php.
It really depends, without the girls being old and unhealthy you can get for 500, but 700 is minimum if she have a friend who is acting as her pimp. In the videokes opposite SOGO Hotel (theres 2 sogos so you may not find this place at first) in Pasay the normal barfine is 1500 but they obviously start higher when youre a foreigner. Such places are poorly managed and its pretty much up to the girl to accept a discount, make her like you with a few Ladiesdrinks (just 140-180 each) and some sweet talk, some cigarettes and 5 peso coins so she can sing and she will even be the one to tell the manager to give you barfine discount. Bring enough 5 peso coins also for the other girls to sing, the local custom is to share some with the bargirls who dont have a customer (or TABLE as they call it). If you change to coins in the videoke you can get as little as 35 peso in coins that will read 50 on your tab, though the more usual is you get 15 for every 20. Still the total will be much cheaper than the clubs so it may not matter. Some are afraid of those places but i consider them safer than many similar videokebars in the provinces.
Do you have any information on snorkeling at the beaches near Cebu? Thomas William Falater
please give prices in us dollars, not ohilipine pesos. or give conversion rate.
Why don’t you convert it yourself?
I like to know, if it possible to have anal sex with the girls?
Depends on the girl, some don’t mind, best to ask before hand.
Harvey is right about asking, i tried it some days ago in angeles in a bar i forgot the name of and the girl, (20 and not bad looking, just a bit wide in the waistline) was like “sure, but barfine is 5000 for my ass”.
However it can backfire if you ask, girls talk, they tell eachothers everything and you can be known as “the foreigner who want only anal”, in a negative way, then no girl there want to go with you. It takes only one girl in a bar to dislike your dirty joke or kinky suggestion for all the girls to dislike you.
Yes of course. Usually just with girls i was in relationship with but some others too. For example i had a girl i met online contact me for meetup in makati once she needed money. Her butt was virgin, when she came to the hotel she ask 3000 for anal, i jusy openen the door and said bye, and she was like “nonono, i stay!”. Final price 1500 and she stayed till morning, most i ever paid but great girl, 21 years, 35 kilos, flat belly, awesome butt, amazing legs. BUT she felt like she knew me well, i slept with some of her friends too because they considered me a friend, its no secret that girls agree to anal more easily if they feel they know the guy.
Do Philippine girls like Indian men?
I heard they kind of dislike them.
It’s the one place in Asia where they actually like them.
Its not that bad to be from India, because the fake married ladies are always busy scamming white and black guys, guys with Euro and Dollars. If youre from India you will not be bothered as much by married scammers and ladyboys. But i have to admit, mostly girls i see with Indian boyfriend are middle class virgins, theres no party and fun with those girls, she will want you to “bond” with her boring friends in boring places, most of the time you will sit there with a bunch of boys who never had a girlfriend, at once you suggest to go somewhere really fun the girl go “oh no dont go there, they are all drug addict, they will kill you” but once you do go there is when you will start having real fun with real people. So it depends if youre after a serious GF or serious fun.
Are there freelancers during the day? thanks
Not many, you’ll find them on P Burgos mostly.
I been approached by pretty streetwalkers around 20y old in daytime in burgos, “can i go with you sir?”, even if i was with my child and her grandma. And seen some standing/posing in the traffic in the middle of the day but those may be ladyboys on feminization hormones therapy, looked 100% girl but shameless behavior should always trigger a ladyboy caution alarm. Real girls, whore or not, are still girls and have boundaries.
I plan to visit Makati. Can you give me some advice? I was on SeekingArrangement and the girls are expensive between 5k ~ 8k peso. I would like spend 3k to get a girl to stay the whole night. Do streetwalker do at that price?
Maybe early in the day/eve, maybe not in burgos itself as local officials often keep them away, but you can meet some in the area around, even down on Makati avenue that just a few meters down one of the side streets, try the side street where Sunette Tower is located, i seen some there from time to time. Stay away from the “reflexology” girls, they are the ones in massage therapist uniforms with a visible ID. I would also stay away from the beggar ladies who sometimes come down in Burgos in front of 7-11, sometimes together with handicapped beggars, they are squatters who hang nearby, i seen those skinny ladies with no teeth hooking in front there at nights, they look like they just waiting to give you AIDS, youd think you would not accept their offers anyway but belive me that drunk guys frequently bang worse. Also the drug addicted street girls are bad choices, they are always in a hurry, theres a husband or “friend/cousin” nearby waiting for the meth she will buy with your money. Also read my comment on the bottom here if it was approved.
Where can I find this place?
Filipinas hate indian men because they do not take a bath and they smell like curry
That is not true, Thai girls think like that, but not girls in Manila.
Sure, and when youre gone they talk degrading about white guys to their customer from India. And to everyone they say “i dont like filipino, they are so playboy and not serious”. Girls who talk down others to your face will do the same to you behind your back, it could be your age, your hair, your arrogance in thinking all filipina are desperate to marry a white, and so on.
When in Manila do NOT ask for directions to EDSA as that is the main avenue that passes through the whole metro, but ask for the Edsa Entertainment Complex in Pasay.
Also, do not expect all bargirls to go with you for a barfine, many just want to abuse you as long as possible for as many LD (ladies drink) as possible, they even make arrangements with the waiters or bartenders to secretly make their drinks Virgin (alcohol free). Also beware if you visit the backstreet videoke bars in Pasay (and everywhere else in Ph), especially if the other employees are obvious gay or ladyboy, getting your beer spiced with illegal or legal drugs is not as uncommon as you would think, often the drugs used are too weak to severely affect you but they hope that combined with lots of alcohol you will make poor judgments and finally pass out. This method is usually combined with repeated suggestions to go in the back to a VIP private room where other guests cannot see. Other than that a backstreet videoke (for example near the SOGO hotel) can be your best friend, beer and LD is much cheaper and a barfine can be as low as 700 if its late and you been nice to the manager and the girl like you.
As for Burgos (and Angeles), i made some good friends in some Burgos st clubs and had the girls visit me privately in the hotel with free sex all day, after i cum 10 times i lost the count. Just be nice to everyone, even the gay waiters, introduce yourself to the mamasan and compliment her on her looks and tell her how much you enjoy the place, also tip the guard at the door and always call him by sir and never forget to keep a respectful tone to guard and mamasan/manager to become the favorite customers of everyone in the club.
Never talk to a girl as if shes desperate to meet a foreigner and move abroad with him and that you will save her from her “terrible life”, foreigners feeling irresistible come across as arrogant and can forget about free sex.
Most girls will pretend they are single and interested, its part of their job though you can at times experience such a girl will stay with you all night and then ask you to visit her family (you should, even if i have experienced their fathers being just a very few years older than me it has always been nice, they dont say it out loud but if they did they would say “if shes not yet pregnant you come back and fuck her more”. Most Filipino parents are extremely liberal when it comes to their daughters lovelife, if she drag home a drug addicted gangster boy they still respect her choice, then imagine how much more they respect her choices when she come home with a real AMERICANO)
Source: I experienced all these things and much more.
Was in Edsa entertainment complex some night ago. Its true what so many say, girls are not of high quality and the good ones are taken. Checked all the places there and settled in Pitstop, two good girls available. Talked to the one closest first, a stunning young looking body but up close i saw her face was 26-28 and had a face shape telling that she lost her teeth long ago and just recently started using dentures. The other one was much better, taller and had both the face and body, no tobacco body odor and surprisingly slow on the ladiesdrink, she was more interested in barfine. Paid total of 4000 for the takeout, including her tip. And this you should note guys: the payment to the girl is not just the tip you give her, they talk like it is but the mamasan will give the girl a part of the barfine. The girls talk like the tip is fixed at 3000 but its not. Its mostly the Koreans that spoil the girls, they let bargirls run them over and give in to whatever obnoxious demands the girls have.
Bottom line: Youre better off in Angeles, more pretty girls, nicer and sweeter. You probably wanna stay away from Crystal Palace, older girls who bring their overweight old friends to work with them, its like the management has no screening in the employment process.
About WILD WEST in Makati avenue (just a few meters from Burgos st), it had a change of ownership some years ago and probably is better than it used to be. The previous owner is the owner of STARDUST up in the intersection Burgis st/Kalayaan, quite tasteless place with fake ladiesdrink (non alcohol), bad noisy stages and girls trying to do things they dont master in the pole only resulting in loud bangs on the stage floor. And red interior to add to the stereotype decor. With new owner Wild West has potential. But i recommend in Burgos: Bronx Basement Club (under hotel Belaggio and Filling Station which by the way is an awesome diner, definite must try) and Montana Bar (upstreets on the right after the burgos-kalayaan intersection) where you can find young sweet girls and a nice more personal touch of atmosphere.
No one mentions Wechat. There are many girls offering massage, and at least half of them will go all the way. Cost ranges from 1500 pesos to 3000 pesos and up for two hours, usually split between the massage and Sex . The girls are just as attractive as in other places, and the prices involve them going to your place. But be sure, wherever you pick them up, that you make sure they are female, or at least ask. Because some of the ladyboys are gorgeous.
WeChat I found to be pretty bad and mostly full of ladyboys and aggressive hookers, lots of scams out there and not a good app for newbies to use as they’ll end up in trouble.
I’m in Manila right now and after reading all of this I’m pretty sure it seems like a waste of time. I’ll wait till I get to Bangkok in 2 weeks I guess. Are there any places at all in Manila that have sexy and nice girls like at nana plaza or pat pong?
P Burgos Street.
Are the girls receptive to threesome 2girls 1 mail
That’s what I want my girlfriend there to do next time I go
does any have info on prices and girls at Romance KTV?
Are filipinas into pakistani men ?
I am visiting manila and cebu in a week and tend to have some fun in the bar and in bed with these sexy angels.
Some will be, best to be clean shaven.
How is it foe disease as I hear everyone is riddled with them? (STI’S)