Yes it’s true, every guy who comes to Thailand will cheat on their partner… if given the chance.
I’ve lived in Thailand for 5 years and I’ve had well over 25+ people visit me, ranging from 23 year-old backpackers, good looking guys who lift with hot girlfriends, to everyday working professionals (40+) who are happily married with children.
They all have their own motives for coming here, be it travel, rest and relaxation, business or even a couples getaway.
But the same trend seems to happen over and over again – the guy will always end up cheating on his partner…if given the chance.
If given the chance, what do you mean?
If you take a married guy to Thailand and don’t show him the nightlife, red light district or happy massages, if he has not cheated on his partner before, there’s a good chance he won’t.
However, if you take him to a place with 泰国酒吧女郎 或 曼谷夜总会 without his partner, even if he had no intention to sleep with someone else, he almost always will.
Let me give you a few real-life examples that I have witnessed.
Meet Straight Edge Jim
Straight Edge Jim is a 29, has a very good job, is good looking and has a hot blonde girlfriend who is 23.
He has never paid for any sexual services in his life and didn’t plan on doing it in Thailand either, after all he came here with his girlfriend.
thanks for blowing up their cover, traitor!
i hope you at least changed their names but even with that everybody knows who they are.
you ll end up alone in bangkok with nobody visiting you, and no reason to go back even once a year.
and guess what? you wont even resent it, or even fully realize it , so much you ll be full of booze and hookers. who cares about their pathetic lives back in blighty. keep up the good life!
haha you almost had me for a second. Names and background are fictional to match people I know, if I used real names I’m sure I’d have a mark on my head lol.
Yo harvie you still in bangkok? gonna be there on 15th February in Sukumvhit man – im a 30yo bar owner from Norway – im travelling alone bud – can i buy a beer (maybe 10) u can show me around? Let me know bro
Hi Henry, I don’t meet people from the site anymore sadly.
what made you not to meet ppl anymore?
I just get too many requests for invites, last time I met someone a year ago they were pretty weird. For that reason unless I know them well online I just go with tho no-meet rule.
Weird is better than normal imo 555
I don’t blame you Harvie, the onus is too much on you to be the ”’good guy”’ in this situation, and quite honestly, some folks just don’t know how to behave properly or have any social skill.
Social media has stripped many people of basic manners and dacorum.
You can take a horse to water but you can’t force it to drink, it has to make its own choice :).
You didn’t mention, when a friend arrives in Bangkok with his GF, it’s a big pain in the ass for me too. I have to entertain him and his bird in a non-threatening environment, often for up to 3 nights in a row, even more when they return from the islands or up north.
So we sit in some artsy gaff in Ekkamai sipping overpriced cocktails and discussing the weather, I get flashes of us beering it up at some dive full of sexpots only he could dream of.
Add to that the rules in most lap dance joints back home, you cannot touch. If you do you’d risk a team handed beating off the bouncers.
In Bangkok he can touch and even get to sleep with these young vixens without any strings attached.
Would most men be tempted to cheat under these circumstances?
lol, when that happens I tell them at night I’m just taking him out and she can do whatever the f*** she likes but not with us.
Thing is, the GF will be well aware of any potential distractions available and stick to him like glue, her suspicions working overtime on me…
You see, most western females assume that any single males living in Thailand will be perverted, twisted, sex crazed pornographers waiting to exploit the next poor little innocent Thai female that steps their way.
Blame the media for that one as that’s a ridiculous assumption.
First time visiting BKK … on my way to Myanmar. Read this and thought … was ‘Confused Peter’ me 😛 Nice site man
Hi, There. Harvie! I got a few questions. I’m Thai and I wanna know, what’s the game plan for having sex with White/Western women ? and where can I meet with them ?
Big fan of yours!
I know someone called Nop, wonder if you’re the same person?
Go to Koh San Road, join Meetup.com and visit expat-ish bars like Sing Sing or Soi 11 are good spots.
LoL do all your irl friends know you have you a travel blog, if yes is it not possible that that your irl friends gfs will stumble up on this, given there are some specifics like age and relationship type it wouldnt take a lot of deduction to work out whos who if i was one of these girlfriends. Not that i really care but it would be big lols if you end up outing a lot of your friends shenanigans for a wee travel blog post.
Do girls here allow no condoms ? I’m curious
Some but I don’t recommend it.
Once any man goes to Soi Cowboy, Nana Plaza, Patpong, etc., it’s almost impossible to resist bar fining a sexxxy Thai Gal. Even a gay guy would likely at least end up shaggin a Ladyboy! Lol
I was on my honeymoon in Thailand, still could not resist the temptation to visit a BJ bar nearby. Of course, my wife thinks, I went out to get some necessary supplies.
Thais are bad at cheating and the girls are the worst. Caught my husband in Melbourne cheating with a Thai “Massage Therapist” which is a soft type of sex work. After a couple of “dates” she started suggesting gifts and cash. Joke was on him because she had a few guys on the hook and treated this as an extra part-time job.
The joke is almost always on the guy.
No big deal. I gave my partner a hall pass to do this one time whenever he chooses to go. It was on his bucket list since forever and he was told just to be safe, get on Prep before he goes and use protection. I don’t feel threatened by it because he’ll never see the women again. And I might get turned on if he sends me pics and videos.