越南的 6 种快乐按摩

Massages in Vietnam are a great way to relax and in many places, there are services being offered. Vietnam overall does not offer a great nightlife.

In Vietnam they offer legitimate massage as well as happy-ending massages.

越南的按摩, 越南的六种快乐按摩.

如果您想 轻松认识越南女孩, 看看我对他们最大的在线约会网站的个人体验.

What is a Vietnamese Massage?

Compared to the massage in Thailand, massage in Vietnam is derived from Chinese massage which involved focusing on points to release tension and knots in muscles. On the other hand, Thai massage involves stretching, muscle movement and moving limbs.

In this article I’ll show you where to get normal massages and extra special ones in Vietnam.

Neko 努鲁按摩

在大多数互联网上,您都会发现 Neko Massage 是河内最好的色情按摩场所。

他们有我在河内见过的最大、最漂亮的房间,平均每天约有 35 名女孩可供选择,价格用英语结算,这意味着您支付的费用与当地人相同。

越南的按摩, 越南的六种快乐按摩.

起价为 60 万越南盾,按摩时间为 1 小时,沐浴后可享受全身 Nuru 按摩,并有快乐结局。

最后给女孩的小费约为 60 万。



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