在泰国邂逅性感泰国女性的 7 个地方

Based on my amazing intelligence I have listed the top 5 places to meet Thai women in Thailand.

What makes these the top 5 places to meet Thai women? Nothing other than the title stating it, but hopefully it should give you an idea on where to meet nice Thailand women in Bangkok.

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泰国女人, 在泰国认识性感泰国女人的七个地方。

1. Thai dating sites

The Internet is a very valuable resource, and as I have echoed throughout my blog posts, meeting Thai women using dating sites is by far the best way of going about it. Using 泰国交友网站 is easy, less stressful and obviously less awkward. Plenty of local 曼谷女孩 on there.

I have recommended a few Thai dating sites on my site, and gone in some detail about what you can get out of them in regards to meeting women.The best one being 泰国丘比特 where you can get normal Thai women come straight to your hotel or condo for free! 泰国友好 is okay too but I like Cupid more as it has more girls.

2. Shopping malls for the Thailand women

When did Thailand get so many shopping malls? I remember the first time I was in Thailand back in 2012, every time I got lost I found a new shopping mall. I can’t complain though, they always have air-con and have a lot of sexy Thai girls inside.

The clothing shops try not to hire ugly Thai women from what I can see, they always seem to be above average looking. What? Am I saying Thailand is a country that discriminates people based on their looks? Don’t be silly, that doesn’t happen in Thailand.

*Big laugh*

So yes the malls are a great place if you want to go and meet 泰国女孩, if you visit malls such as Central world or MBK in Bangkok. Their is a great chance that the Thai girls will be speaking Tinglish if you visit the touristy malls. Compare this to places like Union mall, where you will need to grasp basic Thai to get by.



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