Les filles thaïlandaises à la peau claire ou les filles à la peau bronzée ?

When I first visited Thailand 4 years ago I had no idea about the tan skin Thai girl vs. Light skin Thai girl debate.

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, Light Skin Thai Girls Or Tan Skin Girls?At that time I didn’t give a fuuurk and was ready to go balls deep in anyone who ever showed me the slightest bit of attention.

4 years on, I know more about tan skin and light skin Thai girls, and in this article I’m going to ramble aimlessly about it.

Traits of tan skin Thai girls

If you’re one of the people who read my blog but have never visited Thailand, tan skin girls are typically looked down upon.

Unlike the west where tan skin makes you popular and having pasty white skin gets you bulled and beaten at school, in Thailand it’s the exact opposite.

Tan skin in Thailand is seen as unattractive and poor.

Most labour jobs are done outside in the heat which is why people associate tan skin with bring poor and unattractive.

Tan skin Thai girls usually come from Northern Thailand like Isan where there’s a huge farming culture and where people spend most their time outdoors.

Every single bar girl you see in Soi Cowboy et Nana Plaza will be of tan skin. You will very rarely see a light skin Thai girl working in go go bars that are aimed at westerns.


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