
A comment on my blog a few days ago asked me if it’s true that タイの女の子 dislike Black, Indian, and Arabs? The short answer is yes. But before I go into detail why, let me first mention generally most Thai girls like guys with white skin.

を手に入れる方法を知るには laid in Bangkok for free as a black or brown person, この記事をチェック.

White skin in Thailand is considered attractive and you have a high status. Thai logic works like this, if you’re dark skinned you work outside on the farm, these are generally labour type jobs with bad pay, so you’re not considered affluent or attractive. If you’re light skinned that means that you have dodged working outside and instead work in an office or some other “high status” job, making you more attractive.  There are exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking that’s how they see it.

Are Thai’s racist?

I don’t think they are. They are extremely ignorant, but once you show them that you’re a nice and caring person, they will open up their hearts and show you respect regardless of your skin colour or background.

Why do Thai girls dislike Black people?

Black people are not getting a chance anywhere, what’s a brother gotta do right? Thai girls play to stereotypes a lot, and the stereotypes of Black people in Thailand are that they are either a footballer or a drug dealer. The irony to that is every Black person who has ever talked too me has either been a footballer, or has been trying to sell me drugs or a African princess (bar girl) for a very reasonable price of 1,000 baht.

Some Thai girls also think that Black people look “scary”, and they some are scared that their dicks are too big and that they will rip them in half (true story).


Okay, so why do Thais dislike Indians?

From most Thai people I spoke too, they dislike Indians because they are smelly, rude, tight with their money and most want to haggle for everything. Let’s just call a spade a spade, and agree with them on this one, most indians are (who are from India) are like this, especially the ones that come to Thailand. I’ve visited India myself several times, and it’s a great country and there’s a lot of great people, sadly the men who come to Thailand, really do them a disservice and have given Indian men this negative shadow.

Thai girls say that Indian guys in general treat them bad, have terrible hygiene, and show a huge lack of respect towards them. This is Indian men from India, not Western Indians, although you’ll be lumped into the same category to begin with, but once you show them respect and talk politely there feelings will quickly change to positive thoughts.

What about the Arabs?

I don’t ask too much about Arab people, but when I interviewed a Thai girl on my site, she said there were roomers that they have sex with animals (uwotm8?), and are rude too.



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