A comment on my blog a few days ago asked me if it’s true that タイの女の子 dislike Black, Indian, and Arabs? The short answer is yes. But before I go into detail why, let me first mention generally most Thai girls like guys with white skin.
を手に入れる方法を知るには laid in Bangkok for free as a black or brown person, この記事をチェック.
White skin in Thailand is considered attractive and you have a high status. Thai logic works like this, if you’re dark skinned you work outside on the farm, these are generally labour type jobs with bad pay, so you’re not considered affluent or attractive. If you’re light skinned that means that you have dodged working outside and instead work in an office or some other “high status” job, making you more attractive. There are exceptions to this rule, but generally speaking that’s how they see it.
Are Thai’s racist?
I don’t think they are. They are extremely ignorant, but once you show them that you’re a nice and caring person, they will open up their hearts and show you respect regardless of your skin colour or background.
Why do Thai girls dislike Black people?
Black people are not getting a chance anywhere, what’s a brother gotta do right? Thai girls play to stereotypes a lot, and the stereotypes of Black people in Thailand are that they are either a footballer or a drug dealer. The irony to that is every Black person who has ever talked too me has either been a footballer, or has been trying to sell me drugs or a African princess (bar girl) for a very reasonable price of 1,000 baht.
Some Thai girls also think that Black people look “scary”, and they some are scared that their dicks are too big and that they will rip them in half (true story).
Okay, so why do Thais dislike Indians?
From most Thai people I spoke too, they dislike Indians because they are smelly, rude, tight with their money and most want to haggle for everything. Let’s just call a spade a spade, and agree with them on this one, most indians are (who are from India) are like this, especially the ones that come to Thailand. I’ve visited India myself several times, and it’s a great country and there’s a lot of great people, sadly the men who come to Thailand, really do them a disservice and have given Indian men this negative shadow.
Thai girls say that Indian guys in general treat them bad, have terrible hygiene, and show a huge lack of respect towards them. This is Indian men from India, not Western Indians, although you’ll be lumped into the same category to begin with, but once you show them respect and talk politely there feelings will quickly change to positive thoughts.
What about the Arabs?
I don’t ask too much about Arab people, but when I interviewed a Thai girl on my site, she said there were roomers that they have sex with animals (uwotm8?), and are rude too.
Hello, I’m a Thai girl who has been living here in Thailand my entire life. I really like the way you describe how Thai girls are. I’ve been reading so many articles about Thailand and Thai girls on the internet, and I found out that they only used their own opinion to judge us. They don’t really know how we are or how our culture is. Thank you for this great article which shows true stories of our country and our people
P.S. I have also read your other articles, good work!
Hey, I’m from Sri Lanka and i really look like a black american in accent also in look! i visit Thailand every year for two weeks and i’m born Buddhist! So i understand about the Thai culture and there believes and values. Despite what color your skin is, it’s how you behave and your attitude will put you which place you deserve! so i strongly refuse about rejecting black people because they are black, African, Arab and Indians! i have seen many white people miss behaving, rude and various stupidity actions when there in Thailand! Also the most success people in the world are Black! read or brows internet you can have many eg: so any girl out their my advice is don’t just put all your thinking about the skin instead look for values in people! and don’t just follow some words written by a random guy who maybe in his 60’s or more try to accomplish his desires by cutting some party he called ‘Blacks, Africans and Arabs or Indians’ people are people we don’t ask this before we born to this world
Funny how thais hate dark skin when all thai people are dark If people from thailand come here to northern afghanistan they will easily be called “black” the tibeton budhists are called as blacks here in northern afghanistan due to their darker skin and BTW arabs are a lot lighter than east asian people unles you are speaking of gulf arabs
“Also the most success(ful) people in the world are black”
Thanks dude!!
That was the best laugh I’ve had all day.
1) Subtle racism exists (and accepted) everywhere in Asia- in China, Indian subcontinent, Middle East and South east Asia, of which Thailand is a part of.
Unfortunately in most parts of Asia, the first preference is always for wealthy locals and whites (irrespective of their income).
2) Discrimination based on race and nationality against people from the Indian subcontinent is more blatant in the red-light/ go go bars area of Thailand- primarily due to the bad behavior & stinginess of tourists from the Indian subcontinent and the surplus availability of White & Japanese tourists (who are seen as wealthy & well behaved)
Discrimination or hostility is much lesser in the corporate world in Thailand.
3) Male tourists from the Indian subcontinent visiting red light areas for adult entertainment must be prepared for entry restrictions, rejections by hookers and paying 10% to 20% more than the market rates. It makes sense to keep yourself clean shaved, bathed, well dressed and talk softly with a smile.
You’re right. Avoid red-light districts. Not all red-light district people are racist but there’s a higher chance as these people come from the most ignorant, low-class strata of thai society. They talk shit about white farangs too (in thai) but most farangs are clueless about that.
Normal thais are more “normal” and if they’re racist, they certainly hide it better. A lot of my indian friends are married to local women and i myself have received “recommendations” from thai people to date their daughter/niece or whatever once they discover that i’m a man of means. Of course as my thai language skills are not great and I still don’t understand their culture, i don’t consider settling down there permanently.
Yes thailand is generally a white worshipping society. Most of my thai colleagues don’t agree with me when i point this out, maybe i have a wrong read, but if 99% of people think thais are mentally colonized subject people who white worship, i suppose we’re right.
To any Western indians, especially ones from places with almost (still some) no racism like coastal US or Canada, I would say avoid Thailand like the plague.
Why would you fly half way across the world to be treated like shit?
White people are worshipped in thailand, ironically the white people who go there are literally the scum of the west, which is very ironic. No wealthy/successful white man goes to thailand. It’s the dregs and people who couldn’t make it in the west.
If you are into asian girls move to LA/SF/California or Vancouver/Toronto.
You will find much better looking korean/chinese girls both civilian and P4P. One caveat is they ain’t cheap (civilian VERY expensive and P4P semi expensive). But considering how prices are in thailand now there is 0 value, and only buffoon japanese on corporate expense accounts willing to pay high prices for low service (for them it’s cheap vs tokyo).
Let the thais continue to worship the low class whiteys that flee from the dog eat dog west.
So true dude. Your observation is so right
It’s so funny to me how thais look down on indians for being “poor” or “cheap”
They are the richest group in america. If you’re indian don’t waste your time in places like thailand.
“Let’s just call a spade a spade, and agree with them on this one, most indians are (who are from India) are like this, especially the ones that come to Thailand.” Seems like this farang abroad is equally as ignorant and racists as his Thai girlfriends. What a load of shit.
I can’t disagree with that!
I concur. Like he knows if men are smelly, etc. Want to confess to something buddy LOL.
Yes, I sleep with Indian men.
Pretty sure this guys is either an english teacher or making very little money off affiliate income through his thaicupid/thaifriendly links. Sounds like a REAL catch!
Come back to the west where Indians dominate you by wealth and black people dominate you in everything else.
Your visa will expire soon since your poor 🙂
I don’t need to go to the west, I have plenty of black people dominating me here every night.
The guy who wrote this is a complete idiot and probably is over 60 , fat white. Don’t believe this bull. It’s all up to how you appear and act. The bottom line Thai girls like money!!
USA BLACK ALL DAY, Yep, Thai girls are very fond of money, but you forgot to mention that in this case, the price will be much higher and attitude to you, even if you’ll get laid her, will remain the same (I mean fu*kn’ bad). I don’t like to f*ck the bodies without any emotions, in this way better go n’ jerk off. Although, I’ll try to supposed that somebody don’t f*ckin’ care about this aspect.
Thai girls are not racist, just live with their stereotypes. One fool b-ch has said a bullcrap and other girls takes it also told this sh*t from the mouth to mouth, this is chain reaction. But all fixable. You just have to break stereotypes. 😉
I’m an Indian from Singapore and I’m going to bangkok in July. I was wondering, will it be difficult for a Singapore Indian to get laid in Bangkok?
Be nice and friendly and you should be fine.
My friend I wonder i have a ducktale style beard. Is this a problem in Thailand . Or it just depends on my character
Thai girls don’t like men with beards usually, they prefer if you’re clean shaven.
It’s hard not to get laid in bangkok if you want and you have money. Harder to stay celibate and live a “clean” life. Of course if you’re aiming for upper-middle class or hi-so thais, that’s probably hard/impossible.
I am an Indian and I visited Bangkok recently. I had a gala time and ,even got to stay with a nice thai girl at her apartment. The lesson for all Indian travellers is give respect and you will be respected.
To have a good time all you got to do is be polite and be nice to everyone you meet and be liberal with your cash.
A respectful person is a sign of a well educated person… a gentleman. A price catch for thai or philippine lady. A Southern county American and north american… immediately you can distinguish. Stereotypes for south county americans are more gentlemen in manners and speech. In thailand and the philippines being a gentleman.clean.not stingy is preferred by ladies.
am Arabic , I had no problem with any Thai girl, cool people and easy going the problem is with the way of indians and pakistani people way of dealing the are very basic and very boring….dont but arabs same as indians my friend with all reapect, but our culture and our DNA is totally different…u seem to lack social experience to stereotype people….we as arabs more cleaner than u and ur types to make sex with animals…such a big lie…animal sex in the hotel…is that hotel in india hahahah
Without any decent representation of a Pakistani this Blog won’t be complete.
So, Thais, Goras(white), Arabs and Indians(Stinky ones and non-stinky ones both) Greetings from a Pakistani(Brown in summers, light brown in winters, Never stinks if bathed well),
I am surprised to know that Thai girls dislike brown people, specifically Indians. I am also surprised to know that the blogger and some arab thinks Pakistanis and Indians are alike(another stereotype).
I don’t have to explain why and how we are different from Indians. But I accept few things, there are many white and semi brown Pakistani businessmen who are rich like hell but uneducated and lack moral values. Due to their bad behavior, we the younger and educated lot suffer.
I am sorry for that.
Regarding smell, it’s more related to food habits I guess, rather than hygiene. MOST OF THE Pakistanis think that western people smell like fish and Chinese like rotten bread. People from different parts of the world smell differently.
I am soon going to visit Bangkok and Phuket. I wish you have a good time there. I personally admire Thai culture. They are beautiful people. Better than us in manners.
Read my comment below, the blogger isn’t entirely wrong per se, but is writing truths in a biased and misleading lens. It’s the non-west brown people thai girls don’t care for due to certain stereotypes, but obviously that doesn’t include all thia girls, only a portion. Ultimately if you’re well mannered and have some good amounts of money (which as other commentators point out is all they really care for), then they will like you.
And I’ve heard that they find the Indian men handsome so again, don’t simply believe what this blogger is saying as 100% correct.
Thai girls don’t have time for any person who looks Indian. However, if you’re brown skinned and can show her you’re not a creep but a nice and friendly guy, they can change their mind about you so fast and treat you very very weel. But by default, their opinion on anyone with brown skin isn’t good.
As a brown skinned male, your goal first is to make the girl realize that you’re not a creep or d-bag, this can be done in seconds in seconds if you have a western accent, dressed well and open with a joke.
“If you’re are western you’ll be okay: If you’re Black, Indian, or Arab from a western country you’ll be fine for the most part, it’s more about the natives from Indian, the Middle East, and Africa that girls hate. They bring there dated customs to Thailand and don’t always show too much respect to the girls, which is why they’ve given everyone else a bad rep. Follow my tips, and just be yourself, and you won’t have too much of a problem.”
Probably should have put this nearer to the top – it’s not that thai girls dislike darker men across the board. It’s the non-west ones. In my experience, if you’re an American and they know that from the beginning, you’ll have as many changed as any other western dude. I’ve had no problems at all, but I made it clear I was western from the beginning. Most times if a Thai girl isn’t at all into a black person it’s because they think he’s Nigerian. As for Indians, many Thai girls find the men handsome, but regard their manners and hygiene as being bad.
Lastly, the skin color thing is – as you put it – all about social status. Hence, going back to my point, if they know you’re western from the beginning, they’ll think you’re rich, well mannered and of a higher status, and thus there won’t be a problem.
Again, you pointed that out, but putting it higher in the article might have been nice since the beginning indications of the article aren’t true across the board at all (again from my experience).
I have been to Thailand numbers of time and have lot of GF there. First they will definitely keep them self aloof from Black and Indians but it all depends how you behave and treat them. I do not look after money when meet and greet them. so I never face any problem. infact they always remember me and when I visit Thailand just drop message on their phone they happily come to meet me at Hotel or Airport. It is more important your approach and attitude. If people come with low budget with high expectation leads to disappointment. So money plays important role while you are in Thailand. My experience up till now is fantastic.
I’m a black American who resides in Thailand. I get laid like a rug. I never pay and have never had a single issue attracting women there or anywhere in the world. In fact in many countries (specifically Australia and Brazil) I’ve been treated like a celebrity. Women sleeping with me even if they know I’m seeing their friends, routine 3-somes and much more be it Thais, Russians or western expats. Conversely many I have seen some White people are worshipped in Thailand (primarily by poor, needy types and prostitutes), ironically the white people who go there are literally the scum of the west, which is very ironic. Because generally not many handsome, fit, wealthy, successful or desirable white man go to Thailand. In my opinion and observation, I’m not sure why Indian even visit. They generally are viewed as weird, smelly, cheap and unappealing. I’ve heard terrible things said about them. Deserved or not. I do not know, however the comments are generally very bad and extremely negative.
When (what month) is the absolute least crowded time of the year in Bangkok?
Rainy season. June/July.
I am black Africa guy . It’s horrible to read such kind of blog . What matters is your reaction to racists
Why do Thai women hate blacks, Indians, and Arabs?
I beg to differ with you on your response. If you say you’ve been to Bangkok, then you should go visit the Nana area and nearby Grace Hotel areas on Friday and Saturday nights the next time you visit Bangkok – you will see for yourself that practically 100s of Thai girls are thronging by the gate of the Grace hotel begging Arabs to go out for date with them (they use the term massage instead of dating) and I have witnessed this phenomenon myself with my own eyes. And the underlying pinning this fact is NOT the skin color of a person but rather MONEY! Thai women worship money irrespective of the skin color of the person she’s dating. I have patronized several bars on Thanon Sukhumvit road, Soi Cowboy, Soi 21 thru 25 where 90-95% of the clientale is whites consuming alcohol and the Thai bar girls over there are in the business of generating money for themselves – if they (Thai girls) show any outward adhesion to white patrons it’s just because he is white but to entice white patrons to buy more alcohol and keep on fixated in their bars so as to earn more money for themselves – for every drink they sell for the bar owner, he gives a cut of certain percentage out of this – again, this has NOTHING to do with color of white men, but more to do with economics of revenue generation for themselves. White people are just getting suckered into web thinking that Thai women will fornicate with them for FREE – this is false thinking. Listen, when a white man is drunk – all he wants to hear from a Thai bar girl is that she like white people more than Arabs or blacks or the Indians – white men is basically putting words into her mouth. Also, I have sat next to white folks and some of them smell too – so then how do you explain this anomaly? Arabs don’t consume alcohol – because of their religious obligation – and so you won’t find them in bars in Thailand, but they do carry tons of money in their wallet and I have seen dating from dark to white skinned Thai girls who are clinging onto them for the love of their MONEY and this is a fact that everyone including you knows that. When a white man wants to take a bar girl out to his hotel – that’s okay – as long as he pays her fine and her fee for sleeping with him – I think there will no problem at all here – but do you think bar girl will come out with a white man without the latter flashing any money at her face? Hell, NO! The other thing that I wanted to mention is that 50% Thai language (spoken and written) is borrowed from Indian Sankrit and Pali languages (these are ancient Indian languages) and the Thai culture too blends with the Indian culture so much that to make such outrageous comments about Arabs and Indians is being simply being ignorant about real FACTS! The religion Thais follow – Buddhism – which they have been practising for the last thousands of years – since the time of great King Ashoka Samrat from India from around 3 century BCE – is proof enough the Thais will NEVER abandon their culture for an occidental one. There is proverb in the English language that goes like this: MONEY TALKS BS WALKS! Cash MONEY is the KING of the world!
Grace Hotel is famous for Arabs and is specifically for them. Arabs have their own way of doing things, and Grace Hotel caters to them. I’m also not doubting that languages came from India or wherever, but more often than not, a Thai girl last choice will be a brown or black person.
It’s common knowledge that Indians are anal about services and underpay, where they are scared of black people because they feel their dicks are too big and they look ‘scary’.
It sounds like your experience is only in red light district areas, if you meet a normal working girl most will tell you what I said about brown and black people sadly.
i dont agree with this shit u said , i live in Bkk long time im a business owner here
its not like what u said , its true that Thai hookers like white dude bcz they good looking but they LOVE more Arabs bcz they pay well and treat them good unlike what u said , Arabs pay a double or triple what white dude pay for short or long time so stop lie to the people , i dont know about Blacks and Indians
but Arabs are the favorite customers for a Thai hooker
Very interesting to here that.
You come across as a racist towards Indians (from india). Calling a what as a spade? You’ve been cuddling up to boys from India lately? The ladyboys have been boring you falang?
LOL a lot of butthurt people in here… Not just Thai people but most of SEA are saying the same. It is including China mainland tourists. It is not about skin color, but how most of them behave towards locals. Make friends with local taxi/grab drivers or hotel staff and you will hear the true story. Want people to change their perception about your ethnicity? Start with yourself.