Yes this is one of them what I’ve learned running this website style posts, but without the phaggy gay shit.
I realized the other day that it has been almost 5 years since I’ve started what I think a is a comprehensive resource for anyone moving to Bangkok, while others see it as a sexpat blog peppered with racist, homophobic and sexist comments, which is also true.
Here’s what I’ve learned during my time blogging.
I don’t know what normal is anymore
Each morning when I switch on my phone, these are the types of messages I receive:
And this:
At 10 am I’ve not even made my gym gains for the day when I am exposed to the above.
Imagine if your friend banged someone in a porn movie, how insane would that be?
Better yet, if you thought you had sex with a ladyboy in Bangkok, would you post it in a group chat at 5:30 am, well that’s what my friends do.
You are an amazing artist
Yeah that makes 5 streetmeatasia girls so far, perhaps I should get a HIV test.
The fact this “author” thinks they an artist is real funny.
The thais dont like you because youre an outsider its bc youre white you stupid phaggot.
And the “digital nomad” revolution is bc losers int he west cant find jobs so live cheaply like sewer rats in cheap countries with a lot of pussy. Or was that indians?
That feel when the author is not white (no really, I’m not white, look at my website logo). I am not sure why you’re so offended at this article, what I said about Indians is true, you appear to have good English and some self-awareness so I doubt you fit the spec above, but that doesn’t mean it’s not true for others. What I’ve said is echoed by Thai girls all over the country.
I dont disagree with your comments about indians in thailand, I also dislike them even more than you because I am indian-american and sterotyped as acting like one of those assholes (one of the reasons I dont go to thailand unless visiting family).
Its just funny to me because the white people you see in thailand are literally the worst trash you will find in the west and on the equivalent to these indians.
Drunk asshole obnoxious brits/aussies/random scandanavian country weirdos and perverts/smelly backpackers sums them up. its just they get a pass as usual…
Not so sure, I’d rank Indian and Chinese above white people myself.
Yeah man even Chinese people don’t like the Chinese.
No offense … but as an Indian sometimes I do feel ashamed of what some of the people who represent us do. I’m a native Indian and I do understand that there are working girls and non-working girls. But the way they sneer at them like objects ….
I’m not going to be a saint and claim I’ve not done it with a working girl … but some one us do come for the trip of visiting a beautiful Asian country and don’t like to be judged as pigs.
I will not stoop to comparing races … I’d just like to clarify about mine.
Yeah because spending 40+ years sucking your boss ballz all day long to earn a medium salary and having a single monthly intercourse with your fat wife (that is going to divorce you and take about half your earnings after 10-15 years) is not being a loser.
Call us loser as you please, making our own jobs, our own money (even if it’s little) and creampie tight pussy all year long isn’t that much of a bad life.
I need to go, it’s almost 2pm, time for my morning BJ before I start my daily hour of work.
If you think you need to move to BKK to live a good life you got to open your mind.
I havent worked a job in 3 years. I dont have a fat wife (or any wife).
I make my own job, my own money (its a lot), I dont creampie bc thats playing with fire.
2PM for a BJ? Sounds late to me. 1 Hour of work? Sounds like a lot if you understand residuals.
I just confirmed my 12PM meeting with a highly trained south korean prostitute. She’s got great looks and service and gives the ultimate GFE.
Shes a 5 min walk and located in a high end condo. I never have to see another customer or talk to anyone its all done by text.
I’m just deciding on whether to CIM or not today, decisions, decisions…
Sounds good in theory but to me it sounds like you fallen into a passive life and take things for granted, then the good things in life loses its flavor.
I agree with you that its nice to stick to a few great girls, like your korean, but i agree with deep purple, its not the kill but the thrill of the chase. So i focus on finding the best girls here in manila, and then i mean awesome girls. Harder to find but no doubt worth it, the girl im meating (pun intended) today make the best thais on streetmeatasia look like half-fat worn out whores, been with her only once before so the “Brand-new Toy Factor” is still at top, and Tight and Fresh doesnt even begin to describe her.
Same with work, i thought i was very ok with my semi-passive expat life but when i was in europe i took a somewhat physically challenging short term job and rediscovered the pleasure of hard work and stayed with it 1 year instead of 6 weeks.
Maybe we all need these things once in a while, so we dont end up as poop players with ladyboy addiction.
Great post. I agree 100%. Couldn’t have said it better.
The salt is real
Good to see you post again! 🙂
I was ROFL at the “Sewer Rat” comparison. Probably because I just watched some little documentary on the “Rat Eater” little group in India. Hey, you gotta do whatcha gotta do to get a meal in…
I think most expats here eventually get into ladyboys. For me it started with being way into butthole licking girls, fingers in the bum, anal, and all that butt play. Then I moved into piss play and soon after poop play.’I got by for many years on the pee and poop play.
Few years the pee and poop with regular girls wasn’t doing it for me. I had a mate who was into ladyboys. I wasn’t a gay but he always told me it’s not gay their really ladies. So I was drinking one night and seen a hot one and gave it a go. I found it to be pretty enjoyable.
Now all I go with is ladyboys. They’re cheaper, better in bed, and will do anything you want. The best part is they never want condoms!
Thanks Harvey for having such a cool place where we can be open and stuff. Love the blog bro.
Lets just be honest and admit you cant find real girls who is into your kinky stuff, its a well known fact that sexpats resort to LB when the girls no longer want to come near them, YOU GOT NO CHOICE. Read your own comment again, noone is buying your story about it being your own choice. You reached the point where only ladyboys, due to their high testosterone levels, are brave enough to be with you, and maybe the occasional 50+ old crackwhore.
I think its very far fetched to suggest that all expats end up like you and keep it secret, take a look around you, you are in a solid minority and you are not there by choice but by necessity.
I bought your Freelancer guide and really enjoyed it. I even landed a monthly client doing SEO services.
Empowering people to live the dream in Thailand (or anywhere else) is more rewarding than working some soul crushing job while spending your best days drowning in debt.
People don’t understand that the middle class is being destroying. Corporations have either automated or outsourced many jobs that existed over the last 20 years. There is much more opportunity out east (Africa, India and Asia) than in western countries.
What I’ve learned is that there are tons of investment opportunities as well. Many sectors like agriculture, technology and ecommerce is set to explode in these developing countries.
Not 1 single person I know likes their job in America. What does that tell you?
Well said mate, glad you got value from it and keep on crushing!
Two reasons I come to Thailand, warm weather and sex! Although some times the birds are not quite as fit as I would like, too tight to pay more than 1500 baht for ST 555! I do like Thai beer and food though, so that’s four reasons, actually apartments are cheap, so that’s five.
I bought Harvie’s ebook on freelancing, I got bored of writing for clients, so instead I write about rustic decor and shabby chic, Well, it pays for trips for to BKK and being down right dirty…
You are my idol and I shall try to be like you or die trying
Another great post Harvie. I’ve been reading your blog for 4 years now and only recently have been posting comments. I would say the percentage of expats and tourists sleeping with Ladyboys is much higher. More like 40-50%. But like you say the majority will never admit it due to the stigma among other expats and tourists. Thai people consider banging Ladyboys completely socially acceptable. Either way I have heard that Ladyboys give the best blowjobs and rim jobs. Lol
Hey Harvie, love your work…
Having lived and worked in Thailand I must say I agree with most of what you say.
I just wanted to say that your site sometimes gets hacked and sends me of to some local commercial sites. I am not sure why it happens maybe it’s at my end or maybe you could make it a bit more robust to commercial ware etc.
What you say about Thai girls etc is quite true for those outside the kingdom too. Anyway. Take care and keep em blogs coming.
Love your work farang
Fellow farang myself. Had so much fun didn’t want to leave. Got myself a girl from Cambodia and she with me in Sweden. She not ladyboy but I don’t know. I miss the fucking around. My then wife didn’t even know because you get away with it
It felt bad upon seeing ur comment on Indians. But it really is the truth. So many of us go there & behave cheaply. We are yet to grasp the concept of behaving decently with hookers & so many things.