Thai Girl Vigilante Facebook Gruppen zielen auf Farang Männer

So a few months ago, a broke expat friend of my went on a date with a Thai girl. He was in a pretty bad state financially, and should have been booking his flight home rather than going on dates with no money, but there’s a lot of fucked up farangs here.

Anyway, he took the girl to some 200 baht buffet. Come bill time (420 baht), he totally ignored it and made the girl feel so uncomfortable, that she eventually paid up. The girl didn’t want to pay nor did she expect to pay, as my friend asked her on the date and she agreed.

It just was out of sheer embarrassment of waiting 15 minutes for my broke friend to pay up, that she paid after constant nagging from staff.

I know, I need to find new friends.

Later that day, my friend messaged me saying the date went well and she paid for everything.

Fast forward 12 or so hours and one of my Line chat groups was going off. It turned out that Thai girls have private groups on Facebook (you won’t be able to join), where they discuss farang guys, upload pictures, show off their boyfriends and bad experiences.

There are a number of groups, most are friendly but a few do go full retard and hate on us pretty hard.

After this Thai girl’s bad experience, she uploaded a picture of my friend that she took at dinner into the Facebook group, and told over 10,000 Mädchen in Bangkok what happened. My friend’s girlfriend was in that group and she sent him the print screens of the Facebook update.

I won’t be posting screen shots of the post, but it received hundreds of likes huge amounts of engagement from girls in the group.

They outed his name, where he was from and what he did.


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