Thai Girl Vigilante Facebook Gruppen zielen auf Farang Männer
So a few months ago, a broke expat friend of my went on a date with a Thai girl. He was in a pretty bad state financially, and should have been booking his flight home rather than going on dates with no money, but there’s a lot of fucked up farangs here.
Anyway, he took the girl to some 200 baht buffet. Come bill time (420 baht), he totally ignored it and made the girl feel so uncomfortable, that she eventually paid up. The girl didn’t want to pay nor did she expect to pay, as my friend asked her on the date and she agreed.
It just was out of sheer embarrassment of waiting 15 minutes for my broke friend to pay up, that she paid after constant nagging from staff.
I know, I need to find new friends.
Later that day, my friend messaged me saying the date went well and she paid for everything.
Fast forward 12 or so hours and one of my Line chat groups was going off. It turned out that Thai girls have private groups on Facebook (you won’t be able to join), where they discuss farang guys, upload pictures, show off their boyfriends and bad experiences.
There are a number of groups, most are friendly but a few do go full retard and hate on us pretty hard.
After this Thai girl’s bad experience, she uploaded a picture of my friend that she took at dinner into the Facebook group, and told over 10,000 Mädchen in Bangkok what happened. My friend’s girlfriend was in that group and she sent him the print screens of the Facebook update.
I won’t be posting screen shots of the post, but it received hundreds of likes huge amounts of engagement from girls in the group.
They outed his name, where he was from and what he did.
Saw a pic friend in one group, has a wife and kid but still meets dating site sloots. Girl posting his pic was asking if anyone else has talked to him. A girl replies yeah he tried to talk to me too, then I saw him walking one day with his wife and daughter to I didn’t meet up with him…
Then she ends ‘but nice guy na’
Haha that’s funny… These days with social media it’s extremely dangerous to cheat. I’ve heard some wild stories of girls randomly messaging other girls on your friends list and asking questions. Fuck that noise. #SingleLife
You do know that you can have your friends list only visible to you, right?
Some of those Thai girls bring it on themselves, opening their legs first, then expecting the flood of gifts and cash from mr farang. When it doesn’t happen and they realised they’ve been played, they get all hollier than thou and play the innocent card….”poor little innocent thai girl…..exploited by stupid horrible farang”
I’m not talking bargirls either. Normal girls….(hate that term)
If they moved with the times and changed their attitude and thinking away from their ”Mr farang walking ATM” mentality then they may do better. Thai girls are pretty bad at lying, tending to assume those they lie to are as stupid as they are.
Which is why I’ve the utmost respect for prostitutes. You pay, you get. No wining dining guesssing wondering acting pretending etc etc
Playing the innocent victim after the event is a favourite practice of certain females in Thailand, the girl will still play this role despite her having a Thai BF even when she dates a farang. I’ve seen it, done it, played this field, am a veteran, even got several t-shirts to show for it. When I can be arsed to iron one I’ll post up a pic.
The best girls are the ones who have moved with the times and the west. They are playing the field and enjoying it. They don’t expect to be wined, dined or have all bills paid for them. They have a few guys on the go. Good for them. Life’s there to be having fun and they’re doing it, despite the condemnation from the ”traditional” (or laughable) Thai so-called way of doing things.
So Thai girls, move with the times, forget all the hang ups, open your eyes (if you can steer them away from your smart phone that is)
Although I will say, many farangs are just stupid anyway. They will always be.
What comes around goes around! Kinda 😉
haha your tightwad friend lost much more by saving 420b that night, he lost face and now he will have to pay 2000b if he wants to get laid!
On the flip side…..
There does seem to be a competitive streak amongst some expats (usually the lower end ones, ”teachers” especially) who want to prove to eachother that their ‘GF’ is a normal Thai girl and not some cash hungry rip off hoe. In many cases it can backfire.
I’m not surprised that many farangs are stereotyped as whore chasers, because in many cases they are, that’s what attracted them to Thailand in the first place, arrive on two week holiday, become hansum man, fall in love with bar whore then lose all common sense and become determined to live that life whatever the cost.
Most masquerade as english teachers and pretend they are qualified, earning paltry salaries of 40k a month, merely just getting by but putting up this charade of success to other farangs. When they do attempt to chase some non-bargirl skirt they come unstuck, they don’t understand why this normal girl isn’t like the whores they were accustomed to leading to this backlash.
Both sides (the complaining girls and idiot farangs) are as bad as eachother, and compromise will never be reached.
Makes funny reading though.
What would be the scenario if all male english teachers in Thailand were genuine qualified, degree educated experienced (back in their home countries) teachers with proper credentials, rather than the usual bunch of fiction masquerading as their resumes ?
Would we really have a better class of expat? Would we still have this bunch of bill-dodging cheap charlies on the prowl?
PS. I’ve seen the website where many desperate unqualified fools post up their resumes, details and ambitions, and I’ve never read as much bollocks since I attempted to read Harry Potter
I get that a lot, guys telling me their girlfriend is not like the others or she’s way better. Must be some sort of inferiority complex.
Even if teachers were super qualified and came to Thailand, I doubt we’d have better expats here. Why? Well read your 2nd paragraph to find the answer lol.
wow, that’s impressively spot on…
Great story, and its good to see Thai girls get a little smarter about cross-cultural dating. Its hard to believe that a guy from a wealthy, first-world country would use a girl from a developing country for a free meal ticket, but hey Thailand is a magnet for scumbags. Its a good sign that girls are taking steps to protect themselves from scum, while still maintaining a positive attitude towards foreigners in general.
Although u say these groups are “small” for having up to 20,000 members, I’d say that probably includes a good chunk of the English-speaking girls in Bkk who primarily date foreigners. Sure there are 12 million people in BKK, but the pool of girls who are really into dating foreigners is pretty small. Spend a few months on Thai friendly for instance, and you’ll start to notice the same users online every day. So the bottom line is, don’t be a dickhead.
Funny, I was actually the subject of a (good) post in one of these groups recently.
^ Agreed, 100%
– Distinguish between bars and regular situations. If you’re at her parents place for dinner, cracking jokes like ”I go with you” or ”she tell me I velly hansum” then laughing loudly is definitely out. You’ll be surprised at how many farang guys make such faux pas like that
– If you have only ever conversed in pidgin english with Thais, don’t use it with decent girls. In fact don’t ever use it at all. You may well be assumed to have only conversed with the lower classes. Remember the class system is alive and well in Thailand, big time. If their english is poor, and your Thai non-existent, let things just flow, sometimes it’s more fun that way.
– If she has very good/perfect english.even better. I know of a lot of fools who believe that girls with good command of english = fucked lots of farang blokes, hence their pursuit of what they believe to be ”innocent” chicks. WTF?
– If her english is poor, speak your english slowly and clearly. To them you’re just talking normally, don’t talk fast like she’s a native speaker, it will just confuse her.
– Don’t hope to bed your date within a few hours, wait and see. Take time. They’ll appreciate it. Sometimes it can be just as romantic dropping her off and then going home. isn’t the chase just as much fun if you’re serious about her?
Jeezus man, I sound like a bloody advice column in some tabloid newspaper
Maybe starting to slightly veer off topic ………………?
Lol, I think you need your own blog Pat. is a fitting domain 🙂
Pat I love the wisdom – keep it coming. I’m the same as you, utmost respect for bar girls. Some of the girls I know are making a very large salary each month. Very large.
In farangland they’d be looked down upon as stupid disgraceful people….but they’re not, they’re the smart ones… It’s the farang paying for it that are stupid. The girl goes onto autopilot, easy money.
One in particular I see. Absolutely excellent at her job, and has a queue of return customers each day. She’s properly minted.
If you’re nice and you pay the tab, you can get away with murder here. But those smiles can disappear pretty quickly if you don’t keep your part of the deal.
I never meant the respect for bargirls literally, the way I worded it was that those so-called ‘normal’ girls have such a low opinion of bargirls yet the way they behave is no better, in that they are also effectively giving sex for handouts, and complaining at having to pay a silly little 420baht check is one of many ways they show their colours. They get gifts lavished on them, wined and dined, in much the same way that a bargirl makes her money.
The bargirl cuts directly to the chase, it’s a purely cash transaction, no strings.
I think the underlying moral of the story is that either way, us blokes pay for it in whatever form.
What’s that saying they have that sums up a lot of Thai females?
Oh yeah…”Money number one”
Currently it’s “No money, no honey”.
My reply is always “No honey, no money”.
^Great saying!
One girl I’d just got to know for about a month asked me if she could borrow 4000 baht and I texted her ‘sorry, but no honey no money’ as I sensed I was going to be played like some punk muthafucka. Her Thai BF probably thought up the genius idea (as usual she’d sworn she was single and innocent)
Her true colours came through when she texted me back ”fuck you pat”
I may have considered it had we slept together…..goes back to the old saying about prostitutes and money number one!
Great post Harvie! Thanks for the “Intel” on the private FB accounts. I may have to take a crack at joining as Noi myself, just to get a window into that world? Like a peek hole in the girls shower, it shouldn’t be there; but, once you find it….hard to look away.
Lol, I hear you Keith. You will need to be able to read Thai or get the misses to translate though.
420 THB is pretty steep, I can understand your friend, we’re almost at bj money there.
I think I wouldn’t have been able to handle the awkardness though, must help to have ‘poker face’.
Also lol at 10.000 girls talking about farangs in a group. Paraphrased, the rumors of the death of good times in Thailand has been greatly exaggerated.
I can’t agree on most parts. First of all with a fluent written command in Thai, I joined some groups a few years ago and I am still in some of them. They don’t “block” anyone. Mostly they just automatically accept all new member-requests, since they have a lot of them per day.
It looks like there is something mystical about the groups. There isn’t simply they discuss cultural differences, seek relationship advice and simply show off their latest bf material.
That was probably the best story yet I’ve read on your blog, good information. Your friend definitely got what was he deserved.
For an extra level of amusement the “girl” in the chat screenshot is actually a ladyboy, so it may or may not have done your friend a solid depending on his preferences…
Great blog. I wrote my views on it here and back linked it as I think my readers should read this.
Goddess Pasaya xx
Read it, quite funny haha!
Yes, that is right, the way you do it. Amazing. “I know some information that could be useful for everybody, any of us, guys, but I am not going to share it”. Very nice.
That is the difference between female and male after all. Girls will always help each other, create FB groups, defend each other… you won´t expect that from guys, and you are the perfect example. The other guy is always “the other idot”, and a reason to laugh, “looks how he got screwed”. So you know these links yet you won´t share them. Why of course! You might think, “is it my business if they are telling lies about other guy out there?” “Screw him!”. Other guy, not me. That´s how people like you think. And that is why I am quitting reading your blog. And you can delete the comment if you will, as you will.
And yet you are so gullible, so laughable. “Most of the stories are posted with good purposes”, “to share good experiences with boyfriends”. You must be really stupid if you don´t know that they post the pictures precisely to expect feedback from other girls, to double check if they bf is not cheating on them. Girls help each others, guys don´t.
Congrats, after all girls take advantage on us men precisely thanks to all the stupids out there who wouldn´t help a buddy.
Marcus, but who was phone?
could you please post the link of those private group on facebook would be highly appreciated thx a lot ..see ya
Let me just call my boy “Mark” and have them set as public. 🙂
I met a Thai chick and we met just 4 times. She was the first Thai girl I had dated since 2014. After the 4th time she demanded that I sent her money every month and did I love her? I said to her “How can I love you after 4 meets? I am sure it will come” She went crazy and said if I like her I would send her money. I told her “I am not an ATM machine” and I walked away from the relationship
a week later my pic turned up on one of these fucking sites. if I can prove that it’s her I will have her for defomation. The laws about this are very strict in Thailand. Be careful guys some of these girls are crazy!