Mädchen auf der Pattaya Beach Road finden

Pattaya Beach road is a small section of road near the sea.,But for many Pattaya’s reputation is far darker than just a party city.

Pattaya has become synonymous with sex and the sex industry and for some Pattaya is little more than one big red light area.

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pattaya beach road girls, Mädchen auf der Pattaya Beach Road findenThis reputation is quite flawed as there are some beautiful places in the region and in the city itself there are plenty of great restaurants, bars, cinemas, shopping malls and venues to cater for anything you could wish for.

But a reputation once gained is pretty hard to shake off. Pattaya nightlife until a few years back was just a small fishing village then the US Navy moved in and things rapidly changed.

Now the US Navy have left but have left behind something quite different.

It is true there is plenty of sex about and quite often, and please excuse the pun, but it is right in your face.

If you are keen on knowing where to get weed in BKK, be sure to abonnieren auf den unten stehenden Kanal:


If you want to meet girls in massage shops then read my blog on the best happy ending massages in Pattaya und wo man sie findet Blowjob-Bars in Pattaya.


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