Wie Sie in Ihrem nächsten Urlaub Pattaya Girls kennenlernen

I have been to Pattaya a few times to know about the local Pattaya girls and what they are like, but do not take this as gospel as some things may be slightly off.

For anyone who has not been to Pattaya yet, it’s considered ‘sexpat’ central and is where a lot of people go on holiday to get pay for sex, massages and all other kinds of stuff.

If you want to get laid in Pattaya umsonst, check this article out.

Pattaya Girls, Wie Sie in Ihrem nächsten Urlaub Pattaya Girls kennenlernen

Outside of Walking Street, there are plenty of sites to see, temples to marvel at and activities take part in.

If you’re coming to Pattaya, chances are you will be staying very close to walking street, as there is where all the action is. In this article I will do my best to talk about the girls of Pattaya and where you can find them.

Pattaya Bar Mädchen

The most obvious type of girl to find will be the Pattaya bar girl, and guess where they work? Yes in a bar.

There are lots of go go bars, beer bars and every other type of bar with these girls waiting to service you drinks and empty your sack.

Most of the bars work the same way as in Bangkok, you go in and pay your barfine, then you pay for a short time or long time on top of that. See my cost of Sex in Thailand article to know more about the pricing of such things.

Verwandte Seiten: Finden Sie heraus, welche beste erotische Massagen in Pattaya and where to meet girls on Pattaya Strandstraße.


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