Vivir en Bangkok con $770 al mes

I recently came across this entrada del blog by Mark Wiens, who showed people how to live in Bangkok on $285 per month. I’m not hating on the guy (that’s exactly what I’m doing) but anybody who leaves their home country to live in Bangkok for under $300 can go fuck themselves (sorry Mark, nice site though).

I mean why would you do that? At home I have my own bedroom with an en-suite, a fully stocked fridge, fiber optic Internet and a Mercedes (balling) in the driveway that I can drive around and pick up Tinder dates in. Why would anybody leave a western country to live in Bangkok for under $300 per month? I get that Mark is just trying to make a point on how cheap you can live in Bangkok, but why would you want too?. The whole point I moved to Bangkok was to improve my standard of living, and I don’t think Mark addressed that in his blog post.

I know I am taking Mark’s blog post out of context, as I’m sure he wrote it to show how little you COULD live in Bangkok if you really wanted too. I’m also being a real douche in the first two paragraphs, so sorry Mark, I just write like this because I have ego issues.

But moving on, this article will show you what type of lifestyle you can have in Bangkok for under $770. I ran this experiment over the last 4 weeks and here are my results. This was done as an experiment and after completing the challenge, I would not want to live in Thailand again for 25,000 baht/$770.

Apartment costs = $380

I live approximately 4 minutes from BTS Thong Lo, which you could say is the expat hotspot of Bangkok. I live in a studio apartment that has two built-in stove plates and a gym. After bills I pay $380

You can find similar rooms a few stations out in On-Nut for around $120 such as PP mansion, but I enjoy living in Thong Lo because I can walk to my gym and decent restaurants without getting a cab or BTS. If you’re looking to shave money off the $770, your best bet would be to stay in a cheaper apartment.

, Vivir en Bangkok con $770 al mes

As you can see from the picture, my room is fairly nice, modern, clean, has air-con and looks like a room you would want to live in. As opposed to Mark’s apartment.

Food = $277

Sure street food is cheap, but it’s very unhealthy and it’s actually cheaper and healthier to cook yourself, and that’s exactly what I do. On food I spend around $277 each month, and I eat 80% of meals in my room, cooked myself. Around three times a week I will go out and eat some street food and another two days I will meet my friends and eat at middle/high-end restaurant.

, Vivir en Bangkok con $770 al mes

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