在泰国教授英语 - 问与答
Thinking about teaching English in Thailand? I decided to interview some English teachers living in Thailand. This is another question and answer, and should give people who are thinking about becoming a EFL teacher in Thailand some good information. This interview involves two different teachers, I have given them two different colours so you can differentiate from each.
Can you tell me a little about yourself?
I am a 20-something male from the United Kingdom. I studied Engineering at university and worked every summer for a consultancy in London.
I left the UK for almost identical reasons as you. Everyone had finished university, everyone was ready to become dormant and everyone was spouting ‘Its time I joined the real world’.
I was having none of it and wanted to continue my immaturity through to my late thirties. I also wanted to live abroad as I’d hated the UK my whole life (and I don’t like fat girls, shit weather and chavs).
Consequently, I resigned on my first real day at work and got myself on the ESL plane to Korea.
I went on to spend seven months in Korea, before doing midnight run to Taipei, where I spent a further seven months before midnight-running to my current place of residence, Bangkok.
I’m a 28 year old British guy. Got a BA in English plus a 4 week TEFL certificate. I have also just finished an M.Ed in Primary Education. I’ve spent most of my life traveling around the world. England in just where my passport is from; it’s certainly not my home, though.
I moved away from the UK cos I hated it! So a simple answer on that front. I just hated the predictability and rigidity of life in the UK. Plus, I have always wanted to teach English to kids after my first teaching experience in Honduras during my gap year.
Do you hold a valid degree or a TEFL course certificate?
Bachelor’s in Engineering and a legit non 考山路 CELTA.
I do, I have a BA in English, TEFL and as I said, I’ll have that M.Ed soon. The reason for doing the M.Ed was to secure a Thai teachers license. It’s been a pretty crappy year back in the UK to be honest and I can’t wait to get on that flight in September.
Is £10k enough to move 2 thailand?
Sure is buddy. I spend about £500-600 a month and do well.
Good Post ! Lol! Had the time of my life teaching English in Thailand !
good post!
but what about non-native speakers… I’m a kraut so how would my chances be to score a decent job?
I think you can still get a job, but it will be a bit more difficult. The further you go away from the bigger cities the more chance you’ll find something.
Is being an Asian from canada difficult to get a job teaching english in thailand ? I heard that they only want white people
My friend is Chinese from Oz and he works are two major unis in Bangkok. Ideally they would like white people, but if you’re a native you should be fine, although it will be a bit harder to get a job.
why do u delete my mesage it was very funny red i thought?
Hey John,
I don’t every normally delete messages unless they add 0 value. I thought there were amusing, but others may of read them and got confused on the topic at hand.
Well is $10k enough then? to work as teacher.
$10k a year in earnings? Think you should be looking for around $1k per month salary at least imo.
It’s you in the red isn’t it!?
Nope, I would never teach English.
Hey Harvie, Nice blog mate, currently visiting BK staying in on nut-looking to come over perhaps more permanently and teach, but rental prices seem sky high even this far out of town! How do you survive on £500-600 month and what do you do to ‘get the coin,’ as we say in wales!
Rental prices are not that high mate, you just need to spend a few days looking. You can find some nice places for around $300 if you put the effort in. Survive is the wrong word, I live pretty well on £500-600 a month. Next month I will blog it in more detail and break down my weekly costs to give me an idea of how I go about spending.
As for the coins, I write things and people give me currency.
I’ve been teaching here for nine years. It’s a complete joke. I have a wife and child and can not just up and leave. All the “agencies” care about is putting a White face in a school. Communication, organization and management are a joke. Nobody cares. These people are ignorant racist. No matter how Thai you act, no matter that you take your wife and child to the school….You are an outsider and they’ll remind you of that daily. The “agencies” lie about everything. Any problem is automatically your fault. The government schools in the N.E. are the best. They just tend to leave you alone….but NEVER will keep you a 2nd year. The directors will never look you in the face. The Thai teachers gossip about you while standing right next to you. These people are hopelessly dishonest and passive-aggressive to the extreme. If you are thinking about teaching in Thailand…Please save yourself. Go to another country.
Wow! Interesting.