在泰国教授英语 - 问与答

Thinking about teaching English in Thailand? I decided to interview some English teachers living in Thailand. This is another question and answer, and should give people who are thinking about becoming a EFL teacher in Thailand some good information. This interview involves two different teachers, I have given them two different colours so you can differentiate from each.

Can you tell me a little about yourself?

I am a 20-something male from the United Kingdom. I studied Engineering at university and worked every summer for a consultancy in London.

I left the UK for almost identical reasons as you. Everyone had finished university, everyone was ready to become dormant and everyone was spouting ‘Its time I joined the real world’.

I was having none of it and wanted to continue my immaturity through to my late thirties. I also wanted to live abroad as I’d hated the UK my whole life (and I don’t like fat girls, shit weather and chavs).

Consequently, I resigned on my first real day at work and got myself on the ESL plane to Korea.

I went on to spend seven months in Korea, before doing midnight run to Taipei, where I spent a further seven months before midnight-running to my current place of residence, Bangkok.

I’m a 28 year old British guy. Got a BA in English plus a 4 week TEFL certificate. I have also just finished an M.Ed in Primary Education. I’ve spent most of my life traveling around the world. England in just where my passport is from; it’s certainly not my home, though.

I moved away from the UK cos I hated it! So a simple answer on that front. I just hated the predictability and rigidity of life in the UK. Plus, I have always wanted to teach English to kids after my first teaching experience in Honduras during my gap year.

Do you hold a valid degree or a TEFL course certificate?

Bachelor’s in Engineering and a legit non 考山路 CELTA.

I do, I have a BA in English, TEFL and as I said, I’ll have that M.Ed soon. The reason for doing the M.Ed was to secure a Thai teachers license. It’s been a pretty crappy year back in the UK to be honest and I can’t wait to get on that flight in September.



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