Tourist Guide To Thai Hookers
Hello class, today we will be discussing Thai hookers.
My reader audience is split into three camps, those who come to Thailand and look for normal Thai girls (players), those who come for Thai hookers only (mongers), and the final group are people I call wise men. This graphic should give you a better idea of what I mean.
Want to get laid in Thailand for free, then read this article.
Which category do you fit into? Don’t forget to leave a comment below.
I’m a 9.5/10 (think Brad Pitt or George Clooney) so I don’t need to pay for Thai hookers as girls are literally throwing themselves in front of my feet.
I mean which Thai girl wouldn’t want a guy who runs his own website and can’t spell?
But anyway, back to Thai hookers. Let the lesson begin.
The spectrum of Thai hookers
There are two types of Thai hookers, they are:
Spot on about building a rapport. I won’t bar fine anyone if that’s not there as it will probably be a crap experience for both her and me or at the very least a ‘mechanical one’.
Think Pattaya in high season and the infamous ‘Rush hour’, guys rush out early to bar fine all the ‘hotties’ before they are gone, probably bar fining them on looks alone. Sure you get a selfie to show the boys back home how hot she was but can you say the same about the experience if you didn’t take the time to build a rapport with her?
I’d take a 7/10 that I’ve spent a few hours having fun with and building that rapport over grabbing a 9-10/10 before she gets bar fined.
I’ve never had a bad experience and I’ve always dropped in the question of going back to my room towards the end of the night. Never had a pushy one trying to force it early on but if I did that would kill it for me and as you say time to abort
Good post Mark. How long you been in Bangkok, seems everyone has at least 1 bad experience at some point.
I am moving out there in May. Previously I’ve only had two month long visits to Thailand. I guess when I have spent a while longer there a bad experience will be due. Laws of averages and all, still when/if it happens I can always donkey punch the bitch š
what’s WK on the Venn diagram? white knights?
Im a wiseman sometimes pay sometimes game.
I dont get why some ppl are dogmatic about either ends of the spectrum.. like on certain forums you will get banned if you even mention p4p.
Also dont get the obsesions with “shoring” alot of guys have at the end of the day theyre still fucking prostitutes. Id rather just pay and reserve game for non-pros who are worth it.
If money wasnt an issue id probably just satisfy my baseline sexual needs with high-end whores and keep game for the exceptional girls you meet in your day to day life.
Bottom line: ALL women are women (even ladyboys?).
They all have the same need for an emotional connection, to feel safe & protected, etc. before intimacy. If you want good sexual experiences with any woman you must establish some level of connection….or just F$5!ing roll the dice and take your chances. I have found that with freelancers (aren’t we all on some level?) if I come across as friendly and funny, I’ve had the best outcomes in Thailand. Generally speaking 10-15 min. is about all I invest until it’s show/no-show time. Being arrogant, pushy, or tough-guy aloof seems to be off putting to Nan (insert 3 letter TGF name here). Good luck in your psychology experiments down at Soi Cowboy!
And then you have the category weirdos who most of the time fuck it up themselves , either they behave like boring dudes and then demand a great experience from the girl back in the room, and some act like fucking assholes.
If you are fun to be around with the less chance you get the bad experience
Hey Richard, I think there is a good amount of weirdos in all 4 categories listed.
Great post and I totally agree. For me, the key to happiness in Asia is having a nice girlfriend and cheating on her with filthy whores.
Haha, awesome quote. That should go on your gravestone.
Haha. I’d say two or three GF on rotation and cheating with whores, for sure…
Haha. Iād say four or five GFs at once with rotating the teams and only for the meantime some whores.
I almost ended up being that newbie at the beer bar. But then again, I am also a miser and probably couldn’t be bothered spending hours and a couple hundred bath just to get to know the girl.
What stood out to me during my stay in Pattaya was that a good 90% of the hookers were not good looking at all. That surprised me, knowing that so many people go there for sex.
You are one of the very few who admit this fact. I totally agree. I really can’t understand all the guys talking about stunners, 9/10 etc. I have rarely seen them in bars. They look more like chimps to me.
i lost my virginity when i was 15 from a girl at soi cowboy
it was awesome times!!!!!
She took your virginity and gave you your nick name? š
no man, another thai hoe gave me herpes, that son of a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!
The wisemen are guys who have fun with bar girls and gogo girls, then go back to the room and get a true GFE fuck.
Mongers are guys who pick a chick, hardly say shit or are boring the whole night, and then get a medicore to crappy fuck back at the hotel/condo.
You cannot just show up in Pattaya looking like shit, with a bad vibe and pick girls like your selecting fruit at the grocery store. Maybe 15 years ago when everyone was super poor and smartphones hadn’t come onto the scene that could fly… but in 2015 you gotta be a “wiseman” to get a good experience with a Thai whore.
A lot of dudes may say, wtf why don’t I just game then. Well gaming takes 5x the effort and time. Let me try to break it down some more:
Wiseman – pays a little to speed things up, but still games to get the girl feeling good and score that good fuck. Wisemen don’t have runners or starfish.
Gamer – approaches tons of girls, gets rejected a ton. Finally gets a hot lead, works it for hours. Gets a good lay at the end.
Wiseman spent 3 hours.
Gamer spent 1 week.
I just got back from 2 months in Thailand and spent the last three weeks exclusively with one fun Thai hooker and got the true GFE. The problem is I’ve now fallen in love with her big time.. This is heartbreaking because I k ow it’s almost certain to be a doomed relationship from what I’ve read so rather than send her money I’ve now broken up with her.
Did I do the right thing?
All I can think about is moving to Thailand and looking after her.. (FYI we were the same age and made a good looking couple, we not only hung out and has sex but went travelling together to parts of Thailand she had never been during which time I did not pay for her services apart from the flights/ accommodation etc. I think we complemented each other well)
Or am I just another Farrang idiot ?
Hey Toby,
As a general rule of thumb, bar girls don’t make the best girlfriends or wives given all the information out there.If you did decide to give it a shot, keep in mind that you would be funding all her lifestyle, and once money stops coming in, things can go sour.
It’s better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.
If you want to suit her long term, are you ok with her continuing to do what she was doing before you met her?
I think I’ve banging the hell out of that girl since you left. Don’t worry, she’s in very capable hands…
3F: Find’em, fu**’em, and forget’em!
You can get a girl out of a bar, but how to get the bar out of the girl’s brain?
I like to be spanked. What’s the spanking scene like in Thailand
I’ve had numerous experiences with the “fun hookers” as well as the “not so fun hookers” as well as dating (and eventually marrying) a “normal” (not pro) Thai girl.
General rules I have used/learned;
1- Only go with girls from a reputable establishment. Eg bar girls (BGs or girls in a massage parlour) Freelancers are too risky and if she scams you/robs you, you haven’t got a leg to stand on. Don’t be a cheapy-charlie, bar fines really aren’t much compared to losing your passport, wallet, phone or worse.
2- Build up a rapport with a girl, if she is friendly and worth your time, you’ll pick up on that pretty quickly. If she isn’t, move on. A fun and friendly chick is more likely to negotiate and give you the GF experience. A not so fun one will lay there like a bag of rice, telling you to hurry up and bust your nut so she can leave.
3- Don’t crap in your own backyard (go with girls from bars in your immediate neighbourhood)
4- Learn some of the language. Even pros can appreciate you making an effort to learn her language and is more likely to give you the GFE. Thai BGs love to talk and knowing even just a couple of phrases in their language will make you stand out a mile in her eyes.
5- Agree on a price before you bar fine her. If you think shes charging too much, move on.
6- Leading back to point 3, don’t go with multiple girls from the same bar/who know each other unless all parties are comfortable with it. You might just be a 2 week tourist but these girls have to work together every day and that could create all sorts of tension and we all know how love-scorned Thai women can act, even if theyre pros. Play it safe and go with girls from different bars.
7- Don’t fall in love with any pro (no brainer really). If you start to get feelings for one, pinch it in the bud and stop seeing her. Don’t be a jerk, lead her on or play with her emotions as well as your own.
8- Only give them your phone number/line ID/facebook if you plan to hear from them again. They WILL call or message you telling you they miss you (even if they are one of the aforementioned not-fun pros!). If they get clingy, call or message too much or start asking for sick buffalo money- cut them off and block them.
9- Treat them with respect, don’t be lazy/rude/loutish and always keep your game on. Like any women, Thai BGs want to be around someone who makes them feel good, makes them laugh and is polite to them. I’ve seen way too many farang creeps treating BGs terribly, talking down at them and bossing them about simply because they’re pros and can get away with it.
Treat them like any date you would back in your country, show some respect and courtesy and they will reward you for it!
All great points and advice, I hope many people read this.
I made a mistake once, taking home a sweetie (as I thought) and woke up with a pro š She demanded 3000 Bhat in the morning but said nothing about any money in the evening before. Even if I kind of asked her if she wanted anything from me. I didn’t have any cash at that moment except 573 Bhat in my pants. She grabbed every Bhat and it turned out to be the cheapest pro I ever had, haha.
Two friends of mine grabbed two girls from Climax. They never had sex (not sure why) but in the morning they wanted money. My friends said we will not give you. Then the girls asked if they wanted their cell phones back š My friends called the police who came. The police just said: Give them 500 Bhat each and take this as a lesson. This is BKK.
Haha, great story!
I met a bar girl in Bangkok. She was a little person. Hot hot body size proportionate. (not a dwarf type) We spent the night together (paid) and I had to leave town for a few days. I came back early and called her. She spent two nights and three days with me. She was a nympho maniac. First it was every two hours then it was 45 min. Day three I had to kick her out. (didn’t pay her a cent) I could of fallen for this one easily. I tracked her down a cpl years later and she is married to a guy and living in Missouri. Lucky bastard.
You make it sound so easy when you say, “spend time to build a rapport”, “take your time”. Sure, I’ve done that, and the girl simply thought I was wasting her time, or after 1 song, she got bar-fined by a dude literally five minutes after he bought her a drink. And I was left all alone.
If she left you after one song for another guy it was most likely because she didn’t like you.
You are disgusting and everyone else who uses women for sex. You don’t know their life story, you don’t know what they have been through. How low do you have to go to pay for sex and sexual favours, disgusting. It might give you temporary pleasures but it will never fill the gap you have in your life.
Wow. SB must stand for Simp Beta. Shut up, White Knight.
So many fun memories of Thai chicks….
Lived in Pattaya for a year teaching English and had many great times there with bar chicks and normal chicks. Had a great weekend system on the go there, Tinder and Thai friendly for day dates and bar girls for times I didn’t get lucky. Ended up scoring more during my year there than I or most people I knew at home have in a lifetime!
Still remember my favourite bar girl story. After a particularly underwhelming Tinder date, I found myself alone and particularly horny on Walking St one night.
Found a bar in the open air beer complex I don’t remember the name of where I met particularly awesome bargirl there who spoke excellent English with an Australian accent. Turns out she had an ex from Melbourne and had spent time there. Not only was she beautiful but I really hit it off with her so I barfined her for the night. Was in for a real treat that night. Lost count of how many times we did it that night before she went on her way at 1pm the next day. She literally let me do anything I wanted in the bedroom, as many times as I wanted.
Over the next few months, she became one of my regular booty calls, often not asking for money but just being happy to hang out. Sex was amazing with her. She was an absolute savage, sometimes I’d have to tell her to stop as my nuts were drained!
She became a good friend in Thailand, she would joke with me, help me out with day to day things and even give me advice about Thai girls. She was the coolest bargirl I met in my year there. Real GFE. I fell for her, pretty hard but knew I had to control myself with bargirls. Stayed friends with her on facebook after I left Thailand 2 years ago. She ended up marrying a Danish guy and moving there. Lucky sod!
Now, back in my small town in rainy England, peacocking with countless drunken idiots over entitled 6’s in crappy pubs, I miss Thailand and my bargirl friends more than ever!
Can’t wait to go back for my annual pilgrimage!
I’m Ander, I’m Black, in my 30’s and from ‘Merica!
I’ve been here almost 2 years and I’ve had all types. I’d say I’m a Wiseman.
Had a hot 42 year old take me home and we dated for 10 months. I broke up with her cause she turned out to be pre menopause, mad single mom, bitter divorcee, and generally an asshole. I have her an allowance because I wanted to help and could afford to. I cut it by 1/3 one month and she flipped! That was last straw, broke up with her ass.
I dated the most beautiful massage girl, too. First time I saw her, Immediately was the hottest Asian chick ever saw. Made her my gf, let her keep working, as if me saying don’t work would have worked!, and yeah. Broke up with her when I met the divorcee. Then go back every now and then and ‘spend some time.’
Met a r/nicegirl too. We were literal friends but thanks to the last two encounters I saw a field of red flags. She always told me I was a good man, talked about marriage, would hold my hand, blah blah. We never did anything though, it was like elementary school. Told her I couldn’t date her and she ghosts me(this was after she went super pass agro twice!) I confront her on her bullshit, she folds, then wants to hang out again. We hang out twice, she then starts hitting me ?’s like “would you ever date a bargirl?” “Would your family accept a bargirl even if they didn’t do it anymore.” I precede to tell her “Fuck nah” and she ghosts me hard again and that was like a month ago! Haha
In between all of this I started nailing this crazy 20 year old American chick that lives in my building. She got bossy and I got rid of her too. Ha. MGTOW for life.
Now I drink with my Thai friends, can speak alright Thai and going on a 4 city “Laycation” next week.
So yeah, I think I’m a Wiseman. Maybe I see you around one day and the first rounds on me!
I met a girl in Bangkok in November 2018. I spent over 100,000 (in 12 days) on her in Barfine, Short time & gifts. She was really polite and courteous. She kept messaging me on LINE and invited me again to Thailand. This time, I visited in February 2019. She immediately took me for shopping on Day 1 and a weekend holiday to Pattaya and made me spend 100,000 in 2 days. Subsequent to shopping, she shouted on me and became extremely bossy, rude, cold, starfish, demanding and critical. When I asked her to explain her rude and cold starfish treatment, she said that her family is poor and they need money and she used me (me being a wealthy foreigner but “I should not feel sad because I have a lot more money”!!!). I feel cheated and scammed. I will never go to Thailand again. I am 21 years old and have never experienced being lied to, manipulated and scammed before. I decided not to report to the police because prostitution is illegal in Thailand and left Thailand on the 3rd day. Has anybody ever experienced something similar? Is this behaviour normal in Thailand? Why are they so greedy and criminal?
It should have been clear right away that she was using you for money, if you did not see that then it’s because you’re naive and young. Least you know now. You have nothing to report to the police.
I have a friend who spent as much time as you did with a Thai hooker and he didn’t even give her bus fare to get home.
Harvie, I thank you very much for your quick response. My friends also told me to forget it and move on. Thanks for the response.
Is this experience normal in Thailand? I have visited strip clubs & saunas in Montreal & Berlin but there they are always customer-friendly, courteous and honest. I once forgot my wallet (with $2000+ cash and multiple credit cards) in a strip club in Montreal. I went there the next day and it was very safe in the Lost & Found Box. The strippers didn’t steal anything from it. In contrast, in Thailand; that girl was a absolute criminal and she literally accepted on my face that she scammed me because “I have a lot of money” and her “family is poor in village”!!! That was the stupidest thing to hear! Somebody told me that THB 100,000 is a lot of money in Thailand. I am curious to know (so that I never get scammed again), what is the monthly income of a average Bargirl in a Gentleman’s Club in Bangkok? What is the appropriate money for 1 Day of GFE in a Southeast Asian country like Thailand/Bali/Cambodia? I saw that every website and every girl quotes a different price! Is there no standard price like in Montreal & Berlin? Thanks again for the quick reply
It’s not the girl’s fault, it was yours for being naive. I know that’s not a nice thing to hear but the girls in these bars want to make money and you were a target because you were most likely too nice and friendly. You probably were unable to spot the signs early on, girls who do this have a certain way about them, i.e they’ll order lots of lady drinks or tell you to buy them for their friends. the fact you went shopping is a telling sign. There’s plenty of girls that would tell you not to bar fine them and they will come over at 2am because they don’t want your money.
A bar girl earns between 15-100k depending on how good she is. Average wage in Thailand per month is around 12-14k.
Harvey, I would like to ask an additional question to my above comment. Kindly respond.
Do you know any place in Asia where the strippers/hookers behave professionally like the ones in places like FKK Artemis, Berlin or Montreal Strip-Clubs. The strippers in Thai Go-Go Bars and Massage Saunas are very greedy, lazy, ‘starfish’, demanding and haggle about money a lot (instead of offering a fixed price like in Berlin). They also beg money for shopping, food etc! I found their begging to be very annoying. The mamasans/managers also don’t seem to be customer-centric (probably because Thailand receives a lot of daily tourists so the bars can afford dishonesty).
What is your opinion on my observation and experience? Kindly suggest me some good places in Indonesia. I don’t want to get scammed there like it happened in Thailand . I followed the 9 points stated by Mongopusher above and it resulted in me loosing THB 100,000 in 2 days for a shitty and humiliating experience! š
Kindly tell me how to not get lied to, manipulated or cheated.
Sorry for writing multiple comments. I wish to ask 1 last question to Harvey or anybody else on this website. Kindly respond.
I am a 21 years old naive boy. I don’t have much experience as far as dealing with hookers is concerned. Harvey commented above that, “It should have been clear right away that she was using you for money”. Are hookers not supported to use the customer for money? My problem is not with them asking for money but the problem is that they keep asking for more and more money (more than the agreed amount) while not providing proper intimacy and courteous service. How do experienced travellers deal with this? Kindly suggest me some places with a 1-Time fee for proper GFE experience. I also read about Thai Bargirls stealing money on other websites. How to deal with that? Is it common in Bali too? I plan to go to Bali with a friend.
If you plan to take a hooker home you should already have a read on her on what she is going to be like, if you’re unable to read them then I would advise that you don’t take them home. The reason you have not been scammed in Europe is because the girls don’t come home with you, they stay in the club. If they did I’m going to assume you’re the person they would take to swindle more money from. If a girl ask for more money in Thailand, politely tell her to go home or better yet, don’t take her back with you.
Harvie is right. The way the girl was asking for more and more should have been a sign to you that she was simply interested in your wallet.
Sure that girl was opportunistic, but you gave her the opportunity. Not all girls in Thailand are like this. I’ve typically paid between 2000 and 3500 baht for long time, sometimes, nothing at all (again, this really depends on the rapport you build with the girl). You spent almost 10000 per day on this girl. I’m not a hooker, but if someone offered to pay me a month’s pay each day for several days on end, I’d be pretty convincing until the money ran dry.
I think its important to note that if you want a proper GFE, you probably need to behave more like a proper BF than a wallet. Just like anyone, these girls want to enjoy their job, so if they see you’re young, unconfident, and easily manipulated, they’ll likely assume that milking your bank account will be more enjoyable than milking your d*ck.
Regardless of where you monger next, or even at all, I’d suggest you reassess where your value comes from. If you think the way to get a woman to like you is by just throwing cash at her, I wouldn’t expect a lot in return. Either that, or make sure you get service first and pay when you’re done.
Thanks Harvie. I appreciate your quick reply. I will never take a girl to the hotel again. As you suggested, I politely told the girls to not ask for more money but then they continue to insist and start crying or saying that their old parents are sick in some village or something and Thai Government provides no social security. How do you react to that? The girl that I met also stole the unused condoms (!), leftover food (!), nail clipper (!) and left-over shampoo (!) from my hotel room! Is such petty and pedestrian behaviour normal in Southeast Asia? How does this compare to Bali? Which is your favourite club/bar/sauna to visit in Southeast Asia?
I apologise for the multiple comments but I am curious to learn from your experience.
That’s the most common thing they say, I’d just laugh internally and then try to diffuse the situation by getting away. Just sounds like you did not research and came here with good intentions. Hopefully this doesn’t marr your experience with Asian girls and girls in general. People who experience what you do end up hating Asian girls or women in general and turn into nut cases. You’re 21 so that can happen to you. Come to accept it, not all girls are like this you got unlucky. Use my search bar for information on Bali.
OK Harvie. Thanks for your advice. I will not let this experience influence my opinion about Asian people or women. I am myself Asian (Indian-Canadian), have many Chinese-Canadian & Vietnamese-Canadian friends and briefly dated a Japanese-Canadian and Irish-Canadian girl in university in Canada (who was very nice & normal). I have travelled to 17 countries (But never alone except now) and am not racist against anybody and obviously don’t hate women. I will read your data about Bali before going there. But I am still perplexed. Why did she steal my used nail-clipper, left-over food, left-over shampoo, junk etc! Has anybody here had a similar experience? Will she actually eat my stale left-over food! Why would she eat that after earning much money money from me? What does she intend to do with my used nail-clipper? She also stole an EMPTY box of Godiva chocolates from my trash can! Why does she want an EMPTY box! I have been unable to understand her behaviour:
1) She met me last year in a Gentleman’s Club in Bangkok –> Was very polite, courteous, submissive, friendly, flirtatious and happy.
2)Messaged me multiple times to invite to Thailand this year.
3)Picked me from Bangkok airport and politely suggested that we go shopping (only to fleece me)
4)Came to Pattaya (and continued her polite behaviour –> Made me spend roughly 100,000 within 8 hours by engaging in shopping, begging for parents, her fees etc. As soon as she got the money; became rude, condescending, cold, demanding and critical –>Engaged in Starfish sex and stole junk from my hotel room for 1.5 days.
5)When I gave my feedback that I don’t like her greedy and rude behaviour, she said-“You No Like Me. Upto You”. Later, her Mamasan rationalised her behaviour and tried to sell more girls to me!
If I go to Bali and experience something like this, what should I do? Would the security/police support me if I ask them to throw away such girls from my hotel? I read somewhere that the police would always support the local unless I bribe them a lot of money. How is the verbally agreed price (with the girl) enforced? I mean, what if she demands more money the next morning? Would the hotel security in 5 Star hotels support me? Why did she steal thrash from the trash can?
She was prob an addict or may have been on something.
Rather than asking me what should you do if this happen again, make sure you’re never in this sort of position again. Read the girl’s body language and see where she is at.
Also no point thinking about why she did this or that, nobody knows but her. My guess is substances will be involved or someone was telling her to do it by sending her messages.
You may want to try dating sites and avoid hookers or only visit massage brothels only.
You’re probably a nice guy and see saw that and exploited it.
Bali sucks for mongering and nightlife. Bali is a tourist trap. Jakarta is much better option for pussy.
I hope you figured it out by now. Stop being such a “Mr. Nice Guy” and you wont get taken advantage of. It’s really simple as that. Thai Girls can smell a nice guy chump a million miles away and will do whatever they can to separate you from your money. Once you agree on a price stick to it. If she asks for more money, simply tell her she’ll get a tip at the end if she performs good in bed. That way you get no starfish performance.
Only do ShortTime with bar girls since you’re too nice. You’re too nice and give in too easily for GFE so forget about it until you toughen up more. Always negotiate the price with working girls since they always start high. If she says 2,500 baht, tell her you’ll give her 1,500 baht. Ask her if she does anal or rimming or whatever kinky fetish you’re into to make sure she is willing to do it. Tell her if she does all of your sexual requests, she’ll get a good tip.
If I were you I’d stick to the Soapy Massage Parlors and GoGo’s where you agree to price with Mamasan before you pay the barfine. If she gives bad performance or steals from you, you can report her to the Manager at GoGoBar and ask for a refund or another girl. But for someone like you, it’s best not to take girl back to your hotel for sexxx unless you are willing to do what it takes to be firm and not let her take advantage of you and steal from you.
You might also try the threesome brothels like Devils Den in Pattaya and Edens Club in Bangkok where the girls aren’t allowed to ask for more money or a tip. You only tip if you want to if she performs well.
Bottom line is “Dont be a chump and let women walk all over you. Be assertive and demand respect and then you will receive respect. Don’t be afraid to tell a women to leave if she disrespects you by stealing or demanding more money. Throw her out once you bust a nut and go out and find a new slut that is better behaved.
Ok Harvie. Thanks for the advice
Ok Thanks
I also read all your articles on Bali. Thanks.
Would you like to share any other information with a naive young recent college graduate? What is it that you wished that you had known during your initial visits to massage brothels?
Don’t over think it and have a good time. If you’re young then you won’t have much issue finding nice normal girls either.
Ok. Thanks.
My personal experience [my individual opinion based on personal experience] (based on Tinder, ThaiCupid & IndonesiaCupid) has been that nice normal girls in Thailand are stupid, uneducated, poor gold-diggers and most of them are ignorant above the outside world. Thus I would just visit the massage place for a few times and spend the rest of the holiday going to normal touristy places with my male friends.
I went on some dates with Thai girls during my 1st visit and they behaved strangely.
One of them, despite being an educated bank employee; dressed like a homeless loser, was socially awkward, was ignorant about non-Thai food and had never travelled outside Thailand! She did not behave in a civil, polite and normal manner that Japanese-Canadian or Chinese-Canadian girls behave in Universities in Canada. She was not punctual and extremely impolite. Most matches that I had in Thailand were extremely ignorant, stupid and uneducated about the outside world. They have no hobbies and nothing to talk about. She was also lazy (in her words-“Sabai Sabai”) and had almost no professional aspirations and very low ambition. Most of the girls (more than 20) complimented (?) me in politically incorrect ways by saying something like- “You are so good DESPITE BEING Indian”. I also matched with a Thai girl on Tinder who worked in the Thai Police Force and she too complimented (?) me saying that,” She likes me BECAUSE I am not like the other Indians”! The police of every other country receives Diversity Training to not think and say such things. The Thai girls I met also don’t split the bill in Thailand and beg for extremely small amounts of money for taxi fare (THB 50-100). I never experienced this in Canada, Europe, India or Hong Kong. Many also lied about petty things.
Thus, I believe that it would be the same in Bali (Bali also being a city with the absence of any great Universities, industries, growing economy etc.) So I don’t intend to try dating sites in SEA.
Continue your great work. I will suggest your website to every tourist I meet on my travels.