Getting a Motorbike Taxi in Bangkok – Complete Guide
This article will show you how to use motorbike taxis in Bangkok.
Half my friends who visit Thailand love nothing more than getting on the back of a motorbike.
Your senses are at 100 when the driver zig zags his way through the traffic, while you’re on the back without a helmet, one crash away from certain death.
The other half of my friends are total pussies and refuse to to get on them.
When the BTS is not an option they will get ALWAYS choose a cab, which is a complete waste of time.
Certain areas of Bangkok you’re have no chance of getting anywhere without using motorbike taxis during peak-time.
I’m not a fan of the motorbike taxi in Bangkok, they are way too dangerous for my liking.
Thailand ranks #1 in the world for death rate in road accidents.
I’ll write that again.
Prefer to use Thai taxi bus, much safer,
one day on bus, we stopped at interchange, hundreds of bikes all around us,
woman with children, guys with baskets of goods, one guy, loaded down with boxes of fruit,
so for the sake of a few extra baht, Thai taxi bus for me.
When you say Thai taxi bus, do you mean taxi and buses or something else?
Good article. The part about pretending to read the sign and paying what you think the price is is hilarious. Winning strategy right there.
“… a motorbike driver grab a large machete from a condo flower pot which they must have hidden for such occasions. It was on that day I made a mental reminder to myself to always pay them in full and never piss them off.”
Yeah fights get ugly very fast in SEA. Definitely something that hotheads should know BEFORE coming here.
Motorbike Taxi’s in Bangkok = Death or Severe Injury. It’s only a matter of time. People who take them are really gambling with their life. I’d never take one. It’s true motorbike taxi’s will save you time and money but not worth the risk in my opinion. Drunk Motorbike Taxi driver’s are more common than it seems. Not to mention inadequate enforcing of traffic laws in Bangkok. People are better off using tuk tuks or BTS during rush hour traffic.
A tuk-tuk instead of a motorbike? Are you mad?
They’re a little safer because they can’t split lanes, but they’re still pretty damn dangerous.
@Neo – You have a point there. Tuk Tuk’s arent that much safer than motorcycle taxi’s. Better off taking a taxi even if it takes twice as long in Bangkok traffic. I’d rather be stuck in traffic sometimes than end up in a wheelchair or dead due to a motorcycle crash or a roll over crash in a tuk tuk.
Do you think it’s a good idea to date young 18 or 19 year old Thai girls or their parebts might make some serious trouble for you?
Depends how old you’re and your intentions.
I’m 27 and I’ve dated a few Thai girls. My intention is kind of friendship and hook up.
The legal age to enter a club is 20 and I thought Thai parents might be really pissed off if they become aware that you hook up with their young daughter.
Thaigirls are immature. Why on earth would you want to date a 18-19 year old girl?
@Alex – He probably wants to date young 18 or 19 year old Thai girls cos they usually aren’t as tainted at that age and have tight little fresh snappers that haven’t been stretched out yet by other farangs. Also some guys liked to be called, “Daddy.” Lol
I have to fly here for work middle of march . this is good to know