Getting a Motorbike Taxi in Bangkok – Complete Guide

This article will show you how to use motorbike taxis in Bangkok.

Half my friends who visit Thailand love nothing more than getting on the back of a motorbike.

Your senses are at 100 when the driver zig zags his way through the traffic, while you’re on the back without a helmet, one crash away from certain death.

The other half of my friends are total pussies and refuse to to get on them.

When the BTS is not an option they will get ALWAYS choose a cab, which is a complete waste of time.

Certain areas of Bangkok you’re have no chance of getting anywhere without using motorbike taxis during peak-time.

, Getting a Motorbike Taxi in Bangkok –  Complete Guide

I’m not a fan of the motorbike taxi in Bangkok, they are way too dangerous for my liking.

Thailand ranks #1 in the world for death rate in road accidents.

I’ll write that again.


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