6 People Who Moved To Thailand – Their Stories
Are you thinking about moving to Thailand? If so, this article may just be the kick up the arse you needed.
If you want to get laid in Thailand for free, read this article.
When I talk to people who regularly visit my site, many talk about moving to Bangkok and some point – but never do. The reason usually tends to be because they are scared, but instead put ‘barriers’ in the way to why they can’t move to Thailand just yet.
So I figured I would do something a little different for this article and report on 5 people who have moved to Thailand permanently, or visit very often for extended periods of time. I have asked them all the same questions and perhaps their replies will give you the push to finally move to Thailand (or wherever it is you want to be).
If you’re thinking about moving to Thailand and need help, check out my Thai friend’s website here, she may be able to help you out.
1. A Farang Abroad
Since I am one of the thousands of people who ended up moving to Thailand, I figured I would start off with my own story.
Why did you decide to pack up everything and move to Thailand?
I had a full-time job working for some dickhead who didn’t even know my name. The people I worked with at the time were thicker than pig shit, were making me stupider and I hated getting up at 7:30am in the morning. I thought to myself:
“If I don’t get out now, where will I still be here in 5 years?”
I thought about living inThailand. A few weeks later I handed in my notice and booked my ticket. England was too expensive for me, I hated the 9-5 lifestyle and I knew there was more to life than this.
How much money did you come with?
If you know me or read this blog often, you will know I am tighter than a duck’s arse. I am on the safer side of life when it come to making #YOLO life choices like moving to Thailand.
Just at the right time for me Harvey , coming there soon , just putting in place the last requirements. Last assignment has gone off to the Open university , all being well , I should have a BA degree in my hands around August . Haven’t booked a flight yet, but was thinking of some time around September or October, that allows me a little more time to add to the funds. Won’t say how much I’m bringing but it will be up there with the higher ones in your article. I was thinking I would hang out and relax until the following May when the teaching season kicks off . I am 43 , and I am sick of the UK’s bullshit. Time for a change . Gonna just ‘do it’. Cheers Harvey , great read.
Hey Jim, sounds like a solid plan. I would advise to have something to do on the from October until May. As all that free time and no work can burn a hole in your budget if you hate having nothing to do. Even something simple like a part time teaching gig or a bit of online work can do wonders for your state of mind and stop you from going out drinking every night (if you are that type of person).
All good reading! I spent January of 2015 in Thailand with my now fiancé. I totally loved the place, faults and all. I am now planning my “working” retirement and looking forward to becoming a Canadian expat, ASAP.
Good stuff Ray, wish you the best of luck with everything buddy!
Absolutely mate , Lucky for me I quit the drinking and ladies game a long time ago. No saint , just wised up , like yourself. Thanks for the good advice. I have seen from your other articles the importance of having a ‘healthy’ routine and something to focus on. Cheer’s Harvie keep the good work. P.s your info on finding cheap apartments is very useful.
This is so convincing it hurts.. I’ve been wanting to move for the last two years
I’m half breed UK-Thai with family in both countries. I was born in the UK and grew up there, apart from my black hair and slant eyes, I look, think and talk like a Brit. Been visiting/staying since a young age.
Luckily I’ve never (had to) take working in Thailand that seriously, but the longest I spent without going back to the UK was 7 years – It was at a good time, 2000, and to be honest by then Thailand had about 5-6 years left of being a fun city .
People say I’m lucky but looking back I wish I’d made something better in Bangkok and got off my arse.
Big respect to you guys above who landed in Thailand and made something worthwhile.I’d kill for your ambition.
Unfortunately many make the move almost skint because of some whore and I feel sorry for them, 95% of the time it goes sour and they take to TEFL-ing (usually with no actual TEFL certificate) with zero ambition, Thailand is tired of those idiots.
You can see those kinds of guys on the skytrain, badly dressed, dour faced and if you get close enough, you’ll find they usually stink of booze and fags.
How many farangs fly from balconies in Thailand? The stats are quite impressive.
What do you do now Pat if you don’t mind me asking?
Not something I ever considered whilst in Thailand
Counselling for those with drug/alcohol issues. Both satisfying and frustrating, but quite rewarding. Mostly working with homeless charities at the moment…
If only someone would come up with such a service for Thailand expats, it would do ok I reckon!
Probably better to set up in Pattaya, lots of issues there, as the expat customer base is huge
That would be good, or some sort of center for anyone who is broke and has no where to turn.
I wanna move to Bangkok so bad… But there’s always not enough money in my bank account. Stuck in a dead end job that tests my endurance every single day. You’re living my dream life, Harvie.
Hey Patrick, try and start working online or leverage your skills to be able to work anywhere? Hope you make it over here one day buddy!
cool stories, props to anyone who can come to thailand with only 3k and work it out somehow.
Based on these stories of guys showing up with less than 20K, I’m guessing a bankroll of over 100K USD is way more than enough to start out in Thailand and slowly transition to remote work, esp if you already have the skills needed ( software dev )?
How long would 100K last a dude like yourself?
Hey Graham, that’s plenty mate. I average $900-$1,000 a month, that’s with an awesome gym membership, eating out a few times a week and going out.
$100k is more than enough to last you a good few years at least.
The trick is not to rush to Thailand with insufficient funds, seen many guys do this (I’m talking less than £1000) and within weeks are at a loose end, and usually stuck with a GF too
Thailand isn’t going anywhere, take time to weigh up options, read websites/forums and gain some knowledge beforehand. save some cash up, an extra year of saving may be hard and not sound so tempting, but it’s damn worth it… Take your time !!!!!
Really liking your website bro, I just started my own blog sharing my experiences about being black in Thailand. It be cool to connect with you in the future!
Hey Brah, nice site, sorry had to remove the direct URL, otherwise I will get random bots spamming my site.
Thanks for this valuable information
The different perspectives really help explain the picture
Will be moving to Chiang Mai by October this year
Making You Tube videos for Blogs
That sounds like a good idea Simon, that’s something I had an idea about doing.
All these stories about moving abroad are so inspiring! I’m thinking of moving but, as you pointed out, I’m a little bit scary! I want to be more confident!
Great advice people I`m dying to move there I have been 11 times to Bangkok and surrounding islands and love the place, even though it has its problems like most countries I spose.
Only thing was stopping me was it becoming too touristy and ending up like London.
Koh Chang and Koh Samui were beautiful around ten years ago was thinking of settling in Koh Chang but wasn’t sure about the internet connection and potential monthly visa runs as they changed the laws recently. Any advice on this?
p.s love the site a great help
The information on visas is listed on my site in the menu bar above, Internet is pretty fast all over for the most part.
First time I came to Thailand was 1994. So I was stoked to get a job with a Work Permit in 2002. The job paid 100,000 Baht per month and it was about the same as what I was earning in Australia.
After 6 months of partying with colleagues who wanted to ‘initiate’ me into expat life and Supervising about 60 Thai tradesmen, I was fully burnt out. Thank Buddha the company went broke after 14 months, I’d put on 20 kilos and had to go back to my home country with my tail between my legs.
But in those months, I fell in love with Thailand and returned as often as I could.
Now I reside there again, but I work outside of the country on International projects doing around 4-6 weeks at work then 4-6 weeks at home in BKK. I still look for opportunities to regain a WP, but I’m not that worried about it.
I’ll retire here and I’m saving for that now.
My advice to anybody thinking of moving to Thailand is to get away from the tourist areas, learn to speak Thai and learn about the cultural idiosyncrasies. You will enjoy your experience much more, though you’ll always be Farang, at least you can get some Kwam Suk Thai.
100k in 2002, that’s one sweet salary. Nice story and thanks for the input.
PS: There are a lot of FIFO (Fly In / Fly Out) workers living in Thailand.
How long have you been “living” in Thailand? So I assumed you used the 2 months tourist visa which can be extended once 3 times a year? if you have been doing it for years, wont the immigration grow suspicious of you and refuse to let you in?
Any tips for this to not happen?
Never had this happen in the last 4 years I’ve been here. I do travel so often that I often need a new passport every 2 years or so also.
Good day peeps, I am planning on moving to Thailand soon (somewhere between the next 1-3months) and i was wondering if anyone fancies showing me around. I am almost 20 years old and will land there with few cash in my pockets but im not too worried about that. If anyone currently living there wants to help me with some tips dont hesitate to hit me up.
Hey mate, I had to remove your email because spam bots will get it and email you to death.
i came to thailand and now lost everything got mugged lost my shoes my wallet my passport and i dont have a job; My wife say dont worry but without a job and no place to stay it very sad that i love my wife but without money its difficult and i dont speak thai dont have family in the states that can help
After some advice, I’m looking at moving to Thailand in the next 6 weeks. Just had enough of England and potentially looking at a teaching job however j have no qualifications to teach, is this a foolish decision?
I would have around £800 to go with but my accommodation would be sorted as I would be living with my girlfriend who.is also a teacher there (Thai national). How hard is it for a farang to get work out there?
You’ll need more than £800 to move here even if accommodation is free, unless your girlfriend is going to support you. Get £3-5k then move, and once here find some way to make money fast. Teaching you’ve got a chance but you’ll be jaded pretty quick.
If I don’t have qualifications how would I go about getting a teaching job,I have been speaking to family and they are going to help me financially. I’m more worried about the work side of it.
Look online, there are dozens of places to help you after doing a Google for how to get a job teaching English in Thailand.
I have 1 final question, do you HAVE to have a TEFL certificate to teach in Thailand, I’ve heard that they are basically not worth the paper written on?
You don’t, but it helps if you do not have a degree.
Thanks for all the help, I’ve found a few groups on Facebook that have been really helpful and now I’m in contact with possible employers