6 People Who Moved To Thailand – Their Stories

Are you thinking about moving to Thailand? If so, this article may just be the kick up the arse you needed.

If you want to get laid in Thailand for free, read this article.

When I talk to people who regularly visit my site, many talk about moving to Bangkok and some point – but never do. The reason usually tends to be because they are scared, but instead put ‘barriers’ in the way to why they can’t move to Thailand just yet.

So I figured I would do something a little different for this article and report on 5 people who have moved to Thailand permanently, or visit very often for extended periods of time. I have asked them all the same questions and perhaps their replies will give you the push to finally move to Thailand (or wherever it is you want to be).

If you’re thinking about moving to Thailand and need help, check out my Thai friend’s website here, she may be able to help you out.

1. A Farang Abroad

Since I am one of the thousands of people who ended up moving to Thailand, I figured I would start off with my own story.

Why did you decide to pack up everything and move to Thailand?

I had a full-time job working for some dickhead who didn’t even know my name. The people I worked with at the time were thicker than pig shit, were making me stupider and I hated getting up at 7:30am in the morning. I thought to myself:

“If I don’t get out now, where will I still be here in 5 years?”

I thought about living inThailand. A few weeks later I handed in my notice and booked my ticket. England was too expensive for me, I hated the 9-5 lifestyle and I knew there was more to life than this.

How much money did you come with?

If you know me or read this blog often, you will know I am tighter than a duck’s arse. I am on the safer side of life when it come to making #YOLO life choices like moving to Thailand.


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