Why You Should Leave Thailand in Your 30s

At what point should you consider leaving Thailand?

If you want to leave with your mental health in check, you need to leave within 3-4 years of living here, or when you hit 30~.

“What, leave Thailand, are you crazy Harvie?”

Yes I am, and if you’ve been here 3 years or longer, chances are you are too.

In this article, I talk about why living in Thailand is great in your 20s, why it sucks in your 30s, a few lessons I’ve learned living here and a 13 question quiz that will reveal if you need to leave Thailand.

Disclaimer: you may get feelings of anxiety if you make it through the entire article.

Thailand is perfect for 20-year-olds

Thailand (and Asia) is the perfect place to live in your early and mid-20s.

The cost of living is so cheap you can earn $700/month and be okay, or come here with a small amount of savings and make it last for years.

Living like a peasant in your 20s is encouraged, a shoe-string budget should want to motivate you to become financially free in your later years. I know lots of people who came here with little and now have more money than they know what to do with (thanks to the Internet).

You can easily visit nearby countries which are even cheaper than Thailand and explore the world on a budget. Every 20 something should do that.


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