Finding Prostitutes and Hookers in Phuket

Tourist attractions such as beaches and shopping usually what drives tourist to travel into a certain place.

If you want to Phuket girls for free, then check out this article.

, Finding Prostitutes and Hookers in PhuketThailand has both and some. In Phuket, prostitution is one of them. It is easy to hook up with a hooker or prostitutes plus the rates are cheaper. There is no doubt that male farangs are up to some kind of unusual bachelor party.

Also if you are keen on knowing where to get weed in BKK, be sure to subscribe to the channel below:

Smooci escort Phuket

If you’re looking for an incall service where you can get blow jobs and more, there is no better service than Smooci.

Through their website you can book any number of girls to come directly to your room and provide you BJ services and more.

, Finding Prostitutes and Hookers in Phuket

Prices of each girl is listed on the site and at any one time they typically have up to 20+ girls free, you can learn more by visiting their website:

How To Find Prostitutes in Phuket

There are several places where you can find prostitutes or hookers in Phuket.

Most of these girls working in the sex industry in Phuket came from far flung provinces and towns. Due to poverty they hope to earn more money in this type of business.

Prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, but in a sense it is still illegal, however again tolerated.

So it is inevitable that you will see large signs when you walk down the road of a red light districts and how they advertise and entice tourists and potential customers to enter their establishment for a quick, casual sex.

How To Spot Phuket Hookers

As mentioned earlier, since prostitution is tolerated in Thailand, it is not difficult to spot hookers in Phuket.

There are several types of hookers and here are just some of them:

Bar Girls in Phuket

these girls can be found mostly on beer bars. What they usually do is to keep customers company and have a drink or two with them.

Of course, these bar girls are for a price if you want to take them out for a couple of hours.That involves buying them ladies drink, paying their bar fine (usually starts at 800 baht depending on the establishment) and paying for their short time or long time rate.

This does not include the room that you will be renting for the night (that is if you are not planning on taking them back to your hotel for safety purposes).

Prices are much cheaper for freelancer in Pattaya and erotic massages in Bangkok.

Go Go Girls

Women who are usually working on go go bars in Phuket.

You can basically see them doing a sensual dance show and just like the latter, taking them out for the night requires the same process.

, Finding Prostitutes and Hookers in Phuket


These girls are not working for any bar. So any money they have earned for the night is solely theirs (some will pay a certain commission to the bouncer of a bar in order for them to have free access to their establishments so that they can be able to scout for customers).

This means that if you hook up with a freelancer, there is no need to pay for the bar fine.

The downside to it is that if something unfortunate happens such as theft, it would be difficult to locate the girl since they are not working for anyone else. Most of them are working part-timers.

Related: read my guide on where to find the best blow job bars in Pattaya and where to find sex massage in Pattaya.

If you’re coming to Phuket chances are you’ll also be in Bangkok, Pattaya is less than a 2 hour taxi ride away.

Escorts in Phuket

Forthose who want total discretion when it comes to hooking up, they can opt for escorts.

Escort services are prominent as well in Phuket but they are definitely expensive compared to the normal Phuket hookers.

Still you will get your money’s worth because these escort girls are absolute stunners and can be compared with models.

During the day, you will be able to see these girls walking and strolling around malls wearing heavy makeup and skimpy, skin revealing clothes. It is not too hard to spot these Phuket hookers.

Places to Find Phuket Hookers

To help you start with your hunt for casual sex while on a holiday in Phuket, here are some of the best places where you can find hookers:


You will be able to find lots of bar girls or freelancers on Bangla road.

This is where Phuket’s vibrant nightlife usually happens.

These bars are either beer bars, go go bars, etc. But you will be able to see the difference as soon as you walk inside the place.

There are still decent bars in Phuket (boring bars) but you won’t be able to see any bikini-clad ladies dancing on poles or girls approaching you wearing skin revealing clothes. You will meet different characters from all walks of life in this area of the town.

Walk inside the bar then order a few drinks. Some of these girls are either dancing or just waiting for a customer for the night

. They are usually managed by a mamasan and the first negotiation usually starts with them. If you plan on taking her for the night, expect to pay around 800 baht for the bar fine.

Negotiate with the girl how much her rate is. Minimum going rate is around 1,500 baht (for short time) and can go up to 5,000+ (for long time) and that also depends on how busy she is, how much she considers herself attractive and how in demand she is for the night.

You can also find them in Patong nightclubs.

Massage Parlors

Massage parlors are where happy ending and other things happen.

There are a few soapy massage parlors in Phuket but this is the easiest and quickest way to hook up with a hooker in Phuket.

Once you enter the establishment, you will be escorted to an area where there are girls waiting which are usually a room where there’s a huge glass so that patrons can be able to see and pick who they want.

Read my guide on the best sex massage in Phuket to learn more.

Once you have picked your choice, you will be asked to pay and then proceed to the room. Inside the room is a big bed and a tub and usually the girl is already waiting for you there. You will be given a wash from head to toe but it’s mostly foreplay and more on sensual touching or a blowjob/ hand job.

Then you can get on with the full sex.

, Finding Prostitutes and Hookers in Phuket

There are also other massage parlors which are not as elaborate as soapy massage ones. They are sometimes legit massage parlors and once the girl has provided you a massage, they will ask if you want something “special” in the end. Normal going rate for “happy ending” massage is 500 baht which is the tip for the girl.

Online or By Phone

Technology has helped us to be as convenient and comfortable as we can ever be. You can be able to hook up with someone for the night via online or by phone through escort service companies. It is as easy as ordering pizza via phone or online.

You will be able to browse through girls from some escort service’s website and arrange for the hookup for tonight and voila! Everything is all set. No need to brush up on your charm, wear something fancy etc. The only thing is that it is priced higher than the usual random hookups that you can find on beer bars and massage parlors.

On the street

Well, this does not exactly mean that you can go ahead and pick up random strangers walking on the road of Bangla or Soi Seadragon, etc. There are Phuket freelancers roaming these streets at night. They would usually holler at you trying to catch your attention or grab you by your arm and see if you will catch their bait.

There are two sides to consider when hiring a freelancer for your casual hookup. The good side, there’s no need to pay for the bar fine and no need to buy her a drink.

You can just go ahead and negotiate how much her rate is for a couple of hours or for the entire night. The downside to this is that there have been reports of theft and druggings when dealing with freelancers. Also, most of these freelancers are actually ladyboys.

But if you prefer to go and try to experience ladyboys in Phuket, you can go to Soi Crocodile which poses less risk.

Russian girls in Phuket

If you want to hook up with a non-Thai girl, you can be able to find Russian girls in Phuket. There has been this thing called “Russian invasion” in Thailand for the past couple of years. This means that Russian brothels and bars are sprouting all around the country and Phuket is not an exception.

Related: Read my guide on where to meet Russian girls in Pattaya.

The advantage of hooking up with a Russian girl in Phuket is that they can be able to speak good English so that means you can have a real conversation with a hooker

. Believe it or not most of these Russian girls have education and went to universities, but the real mystery is how they ended up working in the sex tourism industry of Thailand. But that is another story. Maybe because the competition is low in the country and since they are Eastern European, they are priced higher than the locals.

If you have money to spend for one night and you would like a taste of Russian girls in Phuket, expect to spend around 3,000 baht to 5,000 baht.

Here is a summary of the Phuket nightlife girls price:

  • Bar girls – 1,200 to 2,500 baht (short time) and higher if you are going for a long time
  • Massage parlor girls – 500 (hand jobs) baht to 2,500 baht
  • Freelancers – 1500+ baht
  • Escorts – 3,000 baht to 7,000 baht
  • Russian girls – 3,000 baht to 10,000 baht

There are a lot of options to choose from and it just depends on your preference and budget.

If you want to meet girls for free in Phuket, then check out this article., Finding Prostitutes and Hookers in Phuket

Coming to Phuket? Read my articles on Krabi nightlife or where to party in Ao Nang in Krabi which is only an hour away by boat.

Where is your place to meet hookers in Phuket?


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