Yes there is such a thing as ethical whoring, while this guide focuses on Bangkok you can take the main principles and apply them to almost any city in the world. So children, let us begin. What is ethical whoring? Ethical whoring is much like a Bitcoin transaction, there are no middlemen involved and both
So the other day I told you how I was allowed back into Thailand after having a number of tourist visas in my stamp (you can read about it here). I don’t work in Thailand but just use the country as a base to travel as I’m semi-retired. Just this week my friend who is
How much does it cost to live in Bangkok in 2017? For the entire month of January I have jotted down every baht I spent and I’ve documented it all below. In the month of January I spent 42,252? (excluding visa and health insurance costs). Here is the breakdown below of my living costs in
Yes it’s true, every guy who comes to Thailand will cheat on their partner… if given the chance. I’ve lived in Thailand for 5 years and I’ve had well over 25+ people visit me, ranging from 23 year-old backpackers, good looking guys who lift with hot girlfriends, to everyday working professionals (40+) who are happily
When someone messages me about staying in Thailand, I pretty much always advise them to use Airbnb over hotels. Not only do you get more value for money, you save a lot of the bullshit you get with hotels in Thailand. In this article I’m going to tell you why Airbnb is better than hotels