Chapter 1- The Tingle (1pm) I feel a tingle go down the back of my head. And my balls. It’s getting worse. I know what my body is telling me. I send messages to all the girls I know in Bangkok. None of them reply. They must see me for who I truly am now.
My blog has many different niche groups. You have the forever aloners who have never spoken to a girl, but want to move to Thailand. You have the young digital nomads who are saying NO to the Matrix and trying to figure things out in the War Zone. You have successfully Bangkok expats who read
Comments on my recent Oscar Award Winning blogs have been the above . “Hey Harvie, how do I pick up Thai girls?” Well wait no longer, I have created the A Farang Aboard’s Guide to Picking Up Girls in Thailand. How to pick up girls in Thailand Picking up girls in Thailand is easy. You
Not many people like to go on holiday alone because it can be quite boring and lonely. We all know that feel of sitting on your hotel bed bored not knowing what to do because there’s nobody with you. Then comes that overwhelming feeling of loneliness which you try to ignore by going on Facebook
Knowing how to obtain the girlfriend experience (GFE) in Thailand is the final step of sexual sexpat enlightenment. If you want the GFE in Thailand, then click here to learn how. Just as the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree to find the true meaning of life, if you’re truly ready, I’m going reveal how