6 Types Of Khemer Girls You’ll Come Across

Apart from the wholesome and very delightful normal Cambodian girl this are six other types Khmer girls that need to be explained.

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Khemer Girls, 6 Types Of Khemer Girls You’ll Come Across

This blog is aimed about knowing the different types of Khemer girls that live in Cambodia. And moral issues and ethics are not debated. I am merely informing of facts and details that exist in the country as we go to press.

Cambodia is a wonderful country, not as exploited as Thailand and a little naive in that respect. Its people are marvelous very welcoming and extremely helpful and polite.

It is not really surprising that the sex industry is also booming, perhaps not as much as its famous neighbor but nevertheless it is a thriving industry. Don’t expect it to be as big as Pattaya Soi 6 or Phuket nightlife but it’s still busy with a lot of cute Khemer girls.

Khemer Girls, 6 Types Of Khemer Girls You’ll Come Across

One might ask why Asia is so popular especially with sex tourists and its allure seems to grow and grow. The Asian women’s attitude to sex is quite different to that of the conservative west. It is open and has no taboos, sex is not a subject to be swept under the carpet it is a thing to embrace. Part of everyday life that people do naturally and often.

In Cambodia things are slightly different to Thailand and it is worth noting the do’s and don’t to avoid any issues with Khemer girls.

1. Bar girls in Cambodia

Similar to Thailand, Cambodia has its fair share of Beer Bars, normally situated in Phnom Penh, Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. But most of the sex industry is based in the Capital of Phnom Penh which is full of sexy Khemer girls.

Things are a little more expensive here in terms of paying for prostitutes. Cambodia on the whole is a lot cheaper than Thailand, for instance a beer costs around 50 cents in Cambodia during happy hour. But when it comes to Khemer Girl things are generally about 20% dearer than in Bangkok.

A Khemer girl in a bar would charge around $50 dollars for a short time and you can double that for her to come back and sleep with you. The bar fine would be around $10 and a lady drink $3.50. Considering the price of a beer then the cost of a lady drink is quite a rip.

This is considerably more than in Thailand but there are less bars and not as Khemer girls to go around, so we come back to that old nugget of supply and demand.

2. Freelance Khemer Girls 

These cute Khemer girl often work in the same bars as their counterparts. The difference is that they do not get a salary from the establishment and no cut of the lady drink.

Everything else is the same, the same charges for short or long time company and obviously the same price for drinks.

The only difference is that there is no bar fine to pay, the Khemer Girl is as free to come and go as she wants and can drift from bar to bar looking where the best action is.

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3. Freelance Club girls

Often they are the Khemer Girls that frequent the bars. Things are very negotiable here and everything is up for discussion. The freelance girls that work the bars seem to charge exactly the same fees as the actual bar girls but in a nightclub things are different.

The big difference here is that Khemer Girls in the clubs also wish to have a night out dancing and enjoying themselves. You will be expected to pick up the tab for all her drinks. Quite often the club will turn a blind eye to a girl plying her trade in return for the bar revenue from her client. It is also rumored that some places give the girls a cut of the drinks profit.

4. Go go girls in Cambodia

This really should not be amongst the categories as there are not really any place similar to the Go Go bars of Thailand. One or two have shown their face in Phnom Penh but they disappeared as soon as they opened. Perhaps Cambodian authorities think that this sort of bar is a little too ‘full on” for their culture.

Khemer Girls, 6 Types Of Khemer Girls You’ll Come Across

Things may change, not all of Thailand’s bad habits cross the border but many do.

5. Khemer massage girls

It is a very rare occurrence if you were to be offered full sex by a Khemer massage girl.

It simply does not happen in Cambodia, you may be lucky and procure a telephone number but that is about as far as you will get. If you do strike lucky then be prepared to pay from $50 to $100 dollars for a girl to come to your room. The amount varies so much as it does not often happen.


Fees for a massage are a little more than in Thailand and a happy ending will set you back $10, for the ignorant a happy ending is a hand job.

6. Khemer Girls on the street

As in every place in the world street hookers are available in Cambodian. Most in Cambodia are Khemer freelancers and do not have pimps controlling them.

The benefits of this are that sex is cheaper and they are not pumped full of drugs. The downside is you are playing Russian roulette concerning health issues and are vulnerable for scams and robberies.

A street hooker would normally charge $20 for a tumble and will probably stay the night as well as she probably has not got any decent digs. However, when you wake up in the morning you might be missing a few things like a wallet, watch, gold chains etc.

Going with any freelance girl is a risk. If you pick up a girl from a bar or a club that is affiliated to that bar you have a place to go back to if things go tits up.

The Cambodian sex industry and the Khemer Girls that work in it are not as advanced as their Thai counterparts. Things are far more loose and open. Be prepared to go with the flow but always ensure you ask the right questions first. You will not find Russian girls in Cambodia, read my article on Russian girls in Pattaya to learn more about that.

Khemer Girls, 6 Types Of Khemer Girls You’ll Come AcrossMake everything clear at the onset so there is no confusion who owes what to who. If you follow these basic steps then your vacation should be enjoyable and a truly memorable one.


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